There will be a Parish lunch on Wednesday 28th October at the home of Pat and Vyv Griffiths (starting at 12 noon - 1.30pm). £3.50 for soup and bread roll, simple dessert, tea or coffee (and the fellowship comes free!)
All proceeds to General Church Funds
Friday, 23 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009
A bit of dangerous gardening at St Wilfrid's !!
Extreme gardening is all in a day's work for Marcus Taperell
Marcus recently helped Brayton Church remove a tree - not too amazing you say - well wait until you see where it was ...

That's right ... the tree was halfway up the spire ... and lucky old Marcus had the task of rescuing it.
See more photos of Marcus and the views from his unique vantage point on the photos page of the St Wilfrid's Parish website
Friday, 9 October 2009
Scout and Guide concert raises a brilliant £200!
The concert (on Saturday 19 Sept) was in aid of our St. Wilfrid's Brayton Parish Hall Fund and raised £200. Our hall is now complete and we are very grateful to the young people in the band for entertaining us and raising the much needed money!
Here is the band ...