Lent Lunches are being held on the following dates:-
Thursday 18th February - At the home of Margaret Webster
Thursday 25th February -St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
We have four more to arrange in March if you feel that you could host one, please have a word with Pauline Butler. Please note that the normal parish lunches will not be held during Lent.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Mothers' Union Thursday 4th February St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm
Due to the bad weather this prevented us holding the Annual General Meeting, this will be rearranged for a future date so watch this space.
The speakers for our meeting on Thursday evening will be Bill and Ruth Evans who will share with us some of there more interesting moments of their life story.
The speakers for our meeting on Thursday evening will be Bill and Ruth Evans who will share with us some of there more interesting moments of their life story.
Friday, 15 January 2010
St Francis Church Beetle Drive February 6th - 7pm
A night of fun awaits you all with our Beetle Drive £3 for adults and £2 for children this includes a jacket potato supper. Please join us for a lot of fun.
St Francis Church Coffee Morning 6 February 10.00 - 11.15
A warm welcome awaits you all at our coffee morning, please come along and join us.
Coffeemates St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 27th 10.00 - 12.00
This is a new monthly coffee morning starting on Wednesday 27th January from 10.00 - 12.00 in the Parish Hall, there will be homemade cakes for sale, book swopshop, and a childrens corner so please do come along to support this new event. If you feel you could help in any way please have a word with Lynne Allan who would be pleased of any offers of help. We look forward to seeing new and old faces or just simply come and catch up with your friends.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Snow joke! Clearing a path to Brayton
It really was a team effort on Saturday (9 Jan 2010) morning ... as a merry band of gentlemen set about clearing the snow from the paths leading to Brayton Church. Both front and rear paths were cleared and gritted in double-quick time (largely thanks to Julian's wonderful snow clearing contraption), allowing a safe passage to the welcome warmth of the coffee morning.
There was even time for a few photographs of the 'A' team ... and the beautiful Church surrounded by snow. Why not take a look at them here
(p.s. please check that you have the right link to the Parish website - you should have in your favourites: www.stwilfridsparish.com)

Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Mothers Union Thursday 7th January
Due to the bad weather the Mothers Union Annual General Meeting has been postponed, a new date will be arranged and members will be advised.
Welcoming Our New Rector
The Service of Collation and Induction for the Reverend Peter David Watson will be on Tuesday 26th January at 7.30pm in St Wilfrid's Parish Church. Everyone is most welcome please do come and join in with us and help to make this service a memorable start to Pete's ministry in this Parish.
Book Club Thursday 28th January 7.30pm Parish Hall
After a break in December, the book club will recommence on Thursday 28th to have a cuppa and biscuit!! and talk about the book that has just been read. The book for discussion this month will be A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer, for those who can't make this time, February's choice will be Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
Church Gardening Saturday 30th January 9.30am
Gardening will take place this Saturday 30th January from 9.30 onwards. Everyone is welcome as there is plenty of work to be done, both light jobs and a little heavier. Please bring your own gardening tools. Refreshments will be provided in the Parish Hall.
St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 25th January
Happy New Year Ladies, may I remind you that we meet on January 25th at 7.30 pm in the Parish Hall where our speaker will be Nicky May who will be giving us a talk and demonstration regarding Complimentary and Alternative Therapies. I look forward to seeing you all back to support this event.
Pea and pie Supper Saturday 23rd January 7.30 pm
Pea and Pie Supper with the film of building the New Hall. Tickets £3.50 from any of the fundraising committee members. Do come and support this first event of 2010.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Parish Lunch Wednesday 13th January
Come along and enjoy a simple meal of home-made soup and breadroll, and a simple dessert for a donation of £3.50. All proceeds will go to General Church Funds. The Lunches have now been moved to the Parish Hall, and gives more people an opportunity to enjoy good food and fellowship.
Junior Church Sunday 10 January 10.30am
Junior Church returns after the Christmas break and looks forward to hearing from you all what Father Christmas brought.
Coffee Morning Saturday 9th January 10am-12pm
Open Church and Coffee Morning will take place in the Parish hall, there will be crafts and books for sale, also a raffle. Pop in for a nice cup of tea or coffee on your way into Selby or take a welcome break after doing the Saturday supermarket shopping.
- Lent Lunches
- Mothers' Union Thursday 4th February St Wilfrid's ...
- St Francis Church Beetle Drive February 6th - 7pm
- St Francis Church Coffee Morning 6 February 10.00 ...
- Coffeemates St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 27...
- Snow joke! Clearing a path to Brayton
- Mothers Union Thursday 7th January
- Welcoming Our New Rector
- Book Club Thursday 28th January 7.30pm Parish Hall
- Church Gardening Saturday 30th January 9.30am
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 25th January
- Pea and pie Supper Saturday 23rd January 7.30 pm
- Parish Lunch Wednesday 13th January
- Junior Church Sunday 10 January 10.30am
- Coffee Morning Saturday 9th January 10am-12pm