Monday, 29 March 2010

Rector Goes Gliding "for God"!

In May I'll be doing a sponsored glider flight with Burn Gliding Club to raise money for the St Wilfrid's Parish Hall, which although completed, still has a considerable amount still to pay off. If you'd like to help get me off the ground by donating some much needed funds to the Hall Fund, have a chat with me when you see me or contact me at
I'll be getting a sponsorship form together in due course. If you can gift-aid even better!
Thanks a lot
Pete Watson

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 28th April 10.00am - 12.00noon

Do try and spread the word around the village, and bring your friends and neighbours to the monthly coffee morning. For those of you with a sweet tooth home baking will be on sale, book swap shop and childrens corner. We look forward to seeing you there. Our new banner on the Lych Gate attracted some interest and also brought in some new friends. Numbers are starting to build up as word gets around so keep up the good work and come and join us for coffee and a natter.

Open Church And Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Saturday 10th April 10.00am - 12.00noon

Open Church, Coffee and crafts will be on sale at the monthly coffee morning. There will be the usual books and crafts for sale so do come along and enjoy a relaxing cuppa.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 15th April St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm

As Churchwardens we hope that you will all attend the Churches annual meeting (APCM) to be held in the Parish Hall. It is at this meeting when we elect our Churchwardens, PCC members, Sides people and receive the reports from the church's groups and activities. We look forward to welcoming you all there.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Good Friday Activities @ St Wilfrid's From 10am to 12 noon on 2nd April 2010

Enjoy making an Easter Garden, Easter Crafts, learning a song etc at St Wilfrid's on Good Friday morning. Activities for children and adults plus hot cross buns, squash, tea and coffee.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Easter / Spring Fair Saturday 27 March 2.00pm St Francis' Church Thorpe

We look forward to seeing you all at our Easter Spring Fair, many stalls selling preserves, crafts, toys bric-a-brac, books etc not forgetting the cake stall. There will also be a craft making table for the young children. Light refreshments will be available.

Beetle Drive Saturday 6th March 7pm St Francis' Church Thorpe

Beetle drive in the Church, adults £3, children £2 including a jacket potato supper. Come and join the fun!!

Craft Workshop St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 24th March at 7.30pm

Come and try your hand at making your own cards. All you need to bring with you is a pair of scissors and your own imagination. The cost for the evening is £3.50 which includes all materials, coffee and biscuits. All proceeds are for St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Fund.

Wine & Wisdom Evening Saturday 13th March 7.30 St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Come on folks get your team together and have some fun at our quiz night. Tickets £3.50 which includes cheese and wine. Tickets are available from any of the fundraising committee members.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 27th March 9.30am

Now that spring is here, there is quite a lot of tidying up to be done after the winter, do come along and join in the fun but remember to bring your own gardening equipment. Refreshments will be provided.
