Saturday, 30 October 2010
Open House
Open House at the home of Linda and Hugh Reed, Tuesday 9 November from 10am -12 noon and 2 pm- 4 pm. Tickets £1. There will be a raffle, crafts, cakes and preserves. Proceeds will be divided between Church Funds and Mission Mbabane.
Body Shop Party St Francis' Shared Church Thorpe Willoughby
Body shop party including hand massaging, Friday 19 November 7.30pm. Cheese & wine refreshments and raffle, do come along and view the range of cosmetics, toiletries and Christmas gifts. for further information or to place orders, please contact Kath Schofield.
Beetle Drive 13 November 7.00pm St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby e
Beetle Drive £3 adults, £2 children including jacket potato supper, so come along and join in the fun.
This Christmas in the Parish

- Sunday 5th December 3.00pm - Christingle and Gift Service St Wilfrid's Brayton*
- Sunday 5th December 6.00pm - Christingle Service St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby
- Thursday 16th December 7.30pm - Mother's Union & St Wilfrid's Ladies Carol Service St Wilfrid's Brayton
- Sunday 19th December 4.00pm - 9 Lessons and Carols St Wilfrid's, Brayton**
- Sunday 19th December 6.00pm - Carol Service St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby
- Tuesday 21st December 7.00pm - Carols Around the Tree Brayton Village Green
- Friday 24th December 6.00pm - Crib Service St Wilfrid's, Brayton
- Christmas Eve - Friday 24th December 11.30pm - Midnight Holy Communion St Wilfrid's, Brayton
- Christmas Eve - Friday 24th December 11.30pm - Midnight Holy Communion St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby
- Christmas Day - Saturday 25th December 10.30am - Family Holy Communion St Wilfrid's Brayton (joint parish) A new venture! An opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus with a relaxed and fun family friendly communion service. Why not come and bring something Father Christmas has brought you! This service is for all the family, young and old!
- Boxing Day - Sunday 26th December 8.00am - Holy Communion St Wilfrid's Brayton
- Boxing Day - Sunday 26th December 10.30am Morning Prayer (a 'said' service) St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby (Joint Parish). No service at St Wilfrid's
* This year we are combining our annual Christingle Service with the giving of gifts (which has happened until now at the Crib Service on Christmas Eve). This is so that the charities, such as the Salvation Army, have time to distribute the gifts donated before Christmas Day.
**Please note the change in time of this service from 6.00pm to 4.00pm. We hope this will be a better time for younger families who would like to join us, and also for some of our older parishioners who will now only have to make the journey from the service in the dark.
We really look forward to celebrating Christmas with you!
Book Club Thursday 25th November 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The book for discussion this month will be The Suspicions of Mr Whicher by Kate Summerscale.
Parish Lunch - Wednesday 3 November 12.00 noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday for a simple meal of home-made soup and bread roll, dessert, tea and coffee. for a donation of £3.50.
Last months Parish Lunch raised £61 for general church funds.
Last months Parish Lunch raised £61 for general church funds.
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
Our last Coffeemates of the year will be on Wednesday 24th November (might even manage some mince pies!) Do come along and enjoy a chat with friends.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out with Coffeemates occasionally. It would be a shame to let it fold so if you feel you could help in any way please have a word with Lynn Allan.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out with Coffeemates occasionally. It would be a shame to let it fold so if you feel you could help in any way please have a word with Lynn Allan.
Mothers' Union St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Our meeting will take place on Thursday 4 November when Rev. Francis Loftus, Priest in Charge of Hemingbrough Church, will be our speaker.
St Wilfrid's Ladies Group 29 November 7.30pm
At our meeting this month we welcome Barbara Millington talking about her sponsored walk up Mount Kilimanjaro, a great achievement for her and her colleagues. As I missed September's meeting, I'm looking forward to seeing you all.
Joint Parish and Methodist Holy Communion 7th November St Wilfrid's
Joint Parish and Methodist Holy Communion at St Wilfrid's Brayton - no service at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby.
- Open House
- Body Shop Party St Francis' Shared Church Thorpe W...
- Beetle Drive 13 November 7.00pm St Francis Church ...
- This Christmas in the Parish
- Book Club Thursday 25th November 7.30pm St Wilfrid...
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 3 November 12.00 noon t...
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
- Mothers' Union St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group 29 November 7.30pm
- Joint Parish and Methodist Holy Communion 7th Nove...