Sunday, 27 November 2011

Charity Christmas Card In Church

Once again this year we are going to have a big Christmas Card in church. If you wish you can sign the card and add your best wishes and put a donation in the envelope towards the nominated charity. This year the charity will be World Vision. details of this charity will be displaced with the card. Thank you.

Churchyard Gardening

There will not be any gardening in December or January, weather permitting we will meet again possibly in February.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th December 10.00am - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Do come along to the monthly coffee morning and enjoy a nice coffee with friends, there may even be some mince pies!

Christingle And Gift Service Sunday 4th December 3.00pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church

We will be having our Christingle Service on the 4th December at 3pm in Church. Do come along and join us. We combine this service with the collection of gifts to be distributed to needy children in our area. If you would like to bring a gift please mark on it whether it is suitable for a boy and/or girl and what age group it would be most appropriate for.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Christmas Fair 10.00am - 2pm St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby

Do join us for our Christmas Fair, stalls include Cakes,Tombola, Gift Ideas, Games and Books, Raffle 1st Prize - Christmas Hamper plus many more.
Father Christmas will be visiting 11.00 - 12.00noon.
Tea, Coffee, Mince Pies, Scones Home made soup and sandwiches are available, why not come for lunch.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Family Communion Service - Advent Sunday 27th November St Wilfrid's Church

Today we welcome 15 of our children and young people who will be receiving Communion for the first time, this is a new and exciting stage on the journey of faith of our younger members, and a journey which we all share. We pray for these children as they start this new journey and wish them God's blessing.

Quiz Night St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby Saturday 19th November 7.00pm

St Francis quiz, tickets £5 which includes supper. Teams of up to six people, to book please contact Kath Schofield.

St Wilfrid's Ladies 28th November St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm

Our next meeting we welcome Richard Sharp of Molly Sharp's Cheese Shop from Finkle Street. We hope that he may give us some ideas for Christmas!
I look forward to seeing you all.
Mo Mayer

St. Wilfrid's Christmas Fair Saturday 19th November 10.00am - 2,00pm

Various stalls, refreshments, and of course the Tombola so do come along and begin your Christmas Shopping. The cafe will be serving Soup, hot dogs and the usual scrumptious cakes.


We will be having our Christingle Service on Sunday 4th December at 3pm in Church.
The Christingles will be put together in Church on Saturday 3rd December at 10.00am and it would be nice to have as much help as possible. If you can spare a couple of hours to join the production line please do come along, all ages welcome (as long as you don't eat all the sweets). Refreshments will be provided.

Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 30th November 10.00am - 12noon St. Wilfrid's parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday, so do come along and join us for coffee and cakes. We look forward to seeing you there.

Churchyard Gardening - Saturday 26th November

The Churchyard grass is now being cut by Selby District Council, and is looking tidier already. We are still maintaining the borders and trying to get to grips with the "wild area" to the north of the church. The gardening group meet from 9.30am onwards and would like more of you to join them, if you could spare an hour or two, you would be most welcome. Refreshments will be served.

Open-church and Coffee Morning Saturday 12th November 10.00am - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffee will be served, so do come along and enjoy a chat with your friends. There will be the usual crafts, books, and Christmas Cards for sale.

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 2nd November

Parish Lunch takes place on Wednesday 2nd November £4.00 for home-made soup, bread-roll and a dessert. All proceeds go to general church funds. All welcome.

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish H

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm S

Card Workshop Monday 7th November 10.00 - 3pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Card workshop, all that is required is a pair of scissors and your imagination. £6 to include all materials, tea/coffee will be provided. (Please bring your own packed lunch). For further details please contact Kath Fairweather or Pat Griffiths.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Table Top Sale Saturday 15th October 11.00am - 2.00pm St Francis Church Thorpe

Table Top Sale to be held at St Francis Church Thorpe, if you would like to book a table ( Tables £5) please contact Margaret Beal or Shirley Croft. Refreshments - Tea/Coffee and Bacon Butties will be served.

Patchwork Workshop Monday 17th October 10.00am - 3.00pm

Come and make a patchwork Christmas Table Centre, this will be machine patchwork, please bring your own sewing machine and scissors. £10 to include all materials. For further details please contact Pat Griffiths.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 29th October 9.30am

Thank you to all who have made a start on the brambles at the rear of the church, it's going to be a long job, but it will be worth doing as this will open up a large area of the churchyard. Once again if you have some spare time we would welcome a little more help. Please bring along your own gardening tools and join the "merry band". Refreshments will be served.

Coffeemates @ St Wilfrid's 10.00am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday 26th October from 10.00am - 12noon. Come along and join us for coffee and chat.

Bring And Share Harvest Supper - Saturday 8th October St Wilfrid's parish Hall

Our Harvest Supper will be in the Parish Hall at 6.00pm. This will be a Bring and Share supper, we hope that as many as possible will join us, light entertainment will be provided.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 8th October St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Our monthly Coffee Morning is on Saturday 8th October 10.00am - 12noon. Come along and enjoy a coffee with friends. Crafts and books will be on sale.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th Sepber St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th Sepber St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th Sepber St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Parish Lunch Wednesday 5th October St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our parish Lunch will be held on Wednesday from 12 noon in the Parish Hall. Home made soup, bread roll and a dessert. Proceeds to general church funds. All welcome

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 24th September 9.30am

If you have time and energy to spare, do come along and give a little help to the churchyard. The regular gardeners would be please to see you. Coffee will be provided.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th September St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Coffee morning with Crafts and books for sale 10.00am - 12 noon come along and meet with friends old and new.

Parish Lunch Wednesday 7th September St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The parish Lunch takes place on Wednesday 7th September 12 noon - 1.30pm £4.00 for a simple meal of home-made soup bread roll and a dessert, tea and coffee. All proceeds to general church funds.

Friday, 19 August 2011

coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 31st August 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday 31st August so do come along and join us for coffee and cakes. Catch up with friends. We look forward to seeing you there!

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 27th August 9.30am St Wilfrid's

Last month we began clearing the brambles from the area to the north of the church, it is already looking a lot better, but there is still a lot of work to be done. If you could spare an hour or so, do come along with your gardening tools and lend a hand. Donations of perennial plants would help improve some areas, especially around the Parish Hall. Refreshments will be served.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Joint Parish Holy Communion 10.30am Sunday 21st August St Wilfrid's Parish Church

Please note the 10.30am service this Sunday is at St Wilfrid's Brayton, there will be no service at Thorpe Willoughby.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Parish Lunch St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The Parish Lunch will not be held in August, but will return on Wednesday 7th September.

Open Church and Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Saturday 13th August 10.00am - 12noon

Do join us for our monthly coffee morning on Saturday from 10.00am to 12noon, come along and enjoy a coffee with friends. There will be the usual raffle, crafts and books for sale.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Joint Parish Holy Communion 10.30am Sunday 28th August St Francis Thorpe Willoughby

Please note there will not be a 10.30am service at St Wilfrid's, see you all at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby.

Joint Parish Service: Methodist at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby 10.30am Sunday 14th August

Please note that there will not be a 10.30am service at St Wilfrid's, and look forward to seeing you all at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby

Coffee Morning Saturday 6th August St Francis Church Thorpe willoughby 10.ooam

Coffee morning well worth a visit, cake stall, raffle,and friendly company, why not come for a chat and enjoy coffee/tea and a scone.

St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby Tea, Coffee And Chat 10am Thursday Morning

Tea, Coffee and Chat every Thursday Morning at St Francis after Holy Communion. Why not come to either or both, and enjoy some good company and fellowship.

Book Club Thursday 25th August 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The book club choice for Thursday August 25th will be 'Life of Pi' by Yann Martell.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Mothers' Union

On the 2nd July everybody is invited to the Garden Party at Seaton Ross, the home of Dot and Ken Townley.

Our meeting due on 7th July will be slightly different as an outing to view the wild flowers planted in Bolton Percy Churchyard has been arranged. This will be followed by a trip to the Farm House in the village for afternoon tea at 5 p.m. unfortunately numbers are limited to 16, therefore, please advise me as soon as possible if you would like to come. There will not be an evening meeting on that date.

Pauline Butler
Branch Leader

Summer Fair and Strawberry Tea Saturday 2nd July 2 - 4pm

St Francis Shared Church Thorpe Willoughby are holding their annual Summer Fair and Strawberry Tea, do come along to support this event various stalls including Cakes, Raffle, Toys, Tombola, Card game and many others. We look forward to seeing you all.

Parish Lunch Wednesday 6th July 12.noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The Parish Lunch will be held from 12noon - 1.30pm in the Parish Hall £4.00 for a simple meal of home-made soup, bread roll, dessert tea and coffee.

Elysian Singers Saturday 16th July 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Church

A summer concert by the Elysian Singers a visiting choir from Wetherby. Tickets £5 to include a glass of wine and nibbles. Proceeds to St Wilfrid's Church

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone who helped and supported the Summer Fair,which raised £1,800. A very enjoyable time was had by all. A short shower, before Jeremy Buxton officially opened the fair, did nothing to dampen every ones spirits.

Monday, 30 May 2011

St Wilfrid's Junior Church

Junior Church will have a stall at the Summer Fair for 'Nearly New Toys' childrens books, games etc. Donations can be given to Junior Church Leaders in advance or brought to our stall on the day.

In June we will also be involved with both the Family Communion Service for Pentecost on the 12th June, and the Family Service on the 19th June.

Jill Clarke

St Wilfrid's Ladies Monday 27th June 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our Annual General Meeting will be on Monday 27th June. I hope there is a large attendance and involvement of our members for this important meeting which will decide the direction of the groups participating future.

Barbara Hind
Group Chairperson

The Selebian Singers Saturday 25th June 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church

The Selebian Singers will perform their first concert of the year, on Saturday 25th June at 7.30pm Conductor:- Nick Garside Admission £5 at the door, to include light refreshments. All proceeds to St Wilfrid's.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25th June 9.30am St Wilfrid's

Keeping the churchyard tidy continues to be a challenge - which recently has only been tackled by a few people. If you have a little time to spare on the last Saturday of each month, your help would be much appreciated to keep the churchyard a pleasant place to be in. If you can join us, we meet at 9.30am onwards, please bring your own gardening tools, there are many jobs to be done some light and some a little heavier. Refreshments are provided. Thank you in anticipation of a little more help.

Pat Griffiths.

Open Church and Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

As the second Saturday in June is the 11th which is the day of the Summer Fair, there will NOT be a coffee Morning. We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday 16th July.

Parish Lunch Wednesday 1st June 12.noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Parish Lunch, do join us for home-made soup and bread roll, followed by dessert. Everyone welcome, we look forward to seeing you.

Summer Fair Saturday 11th June 2.00pm - 4.00pm Brayton Village Green

Do come along and join us for our annual summer fair on the village green, we welcome Jeremy Buxton of Radio York who will open the fair at 2.00pm. attractions include Cakes - Tombola - Books - Plants - Crafts - Toys - Pickles & Preserves, - Sweet Stall - Best Loved Teddy and Best kept Pet competition - Bouncy castle and many more. When you feel you would like a sit down why not enjoy a well earned cuppa and a piece of cake by joining us in the afternoon teas/ refreshments area.

Parish Family Picnic Sunday 10th July 1.00pm Lotherton Hall

What? come and enjoy a fun, relaxed afternoon of picnicking and games with others from our parish! This is especially for families with pre-school/school age children, but everyone is welcome.

Where? Lotherton Hall, nr Aberford
When? Sunday 10th July, 1pm onwards

Meet in the grassy area by the main car park (parking costs £3.70 per car) Please bring your own picnic and bring balls, bats, rackets, frisbees etc too!

Contact me, Rev Pete, for more info.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Saturday's Working Party

Thanks for all your help on Saturday morning whether up a ladder or just fetching and carrying the coffee and biscuits. Smartwater which is a legal requirement for the validation of the Church's Insurance has now been applied to all metal work on the Church and Parish Hall.


Monday, 2 May 2011

Fund-Raising Event At St Crux' Church, York Friday 10th June

Once again we have been lucky enough to get a place at St Crux' Church for the day, but we need your help! Cafe, stalls, including cakes, preserves, books, plants,toys and games, bric-a-brac, etc. Donations for any of the above will be gratefully accepted, as would help on the day - even for just an odd hour or so. If you could help in any way please have a word with Sylvia Place.

Quiz Night And Buffet Supper 21st May 7.00pm St Francis' Church Thorpe Willoughby

Quiz night and Buffet Supper teams of up to 6 people £5 adults £3 children to book a table please have a word with Shirley or Margaret in church.

coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 25th May 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday 25th May do come along and join us for coffee and cakes.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Book Club Thursday 26th May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

At our May meeting we shall be reviewing the book 'The Long Walk' by Slavomir Rawicz.

Barbara Richardson

St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 23rd May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

This month we are having Teresa Dibb from the Beauty Rooms @ Wetheralls, so do come along, who knows you may even get a make over! Please note the change of date due to the May Bank Holiday.
Next month is our AGM followed by wine and cheese. Please think about and consider if you could perhaps participate within the group, as some members may want a little break and new ideas are always welcome.

Barbara Hind

Remember 'Open Door' Youth Club at St Wilfrid's?

There will be a reunion of Open Door youth club members in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall in early May. If you know of anyone in your family or among your friends, who was once a member, could you let them know? If they are interested in attending a reunion, could they contact Sheila Newsome.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 29th May 9.30am

Many hands make light work so please do come along and help tidy up the churchyard, Spring has brought the usual weeds and general tidying up to be done. Please bring with you your own gardening tools.
Refreshments will be served. Any further details please contact Pat Griffiths.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 14th May 10.00am - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Open Church and Coffee will be served from 10.00am with the usual Crafts, and raffle.
Do come along and meet with your friends and enjoy a welcome cuppa.

York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band Saturday 28th May 7.30pm

York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band concert in St. Wilfrid's Church Tickets £5 to include light refreshments. All proceeds towards church funds.

For tickets or further details contact Vera Jackson

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm Wednesday 4th May St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Parish Lunch returns on Wednesday 4th May £4.00 for home made soup and bread roll, and to finish a dessert - these were missed during Lent!!
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Churchyard Gardening 30th April 9.30am onwards

The churchyard gardening is on Saturday from 9.30am onwards. Anyone who feels that they would like to help with jobs both light and heavy are most welcome, as the spring weather continues so do the weeds! we do like to keep our churchyard looking tidy. Refreshments will be served.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Coffee Morning and Open Church St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 10.00am - 12 noon

Our monthly Open Church, coffee and crafts will take place in the parish hall. Please come along and join us for coffee and a chat.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Spring Fair - St Francis' Church Thorpe 30th April 2.00pm - 4pm

Our Spring Fair will be held from 2.00pm - 4pm with lots of stalls: preserves, crafts, toys, bric-a-brac, books etc. Craft making table for the children and the usual yummy cake stall. Light refreshments will be available. We look forward to an enjoyable afternoon.

St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Tuesday 19th April (one week early)

Hello ladies, I hope you all enjoyed last month's speaker and were fascinated with regards to the facinators.
Please note that this month's meeting will be one week early due to the Easter Holidays, usual time and same venue. TUESDAY, 19 April at 7.30 pm (Please note change of date due to Easter holidays) Our speaker will be a representative from the RSPB who will give us a talk about the work of the RSPB and the history of Fairburn Ings. Admission for members is £1.00 and non members £2.00 (including refreshments). All welcome. I wish you all a very nice Easter and hopefully a very cheerful spring.

Barbara Hind

St Wilfrid's Craft Group Easter Fair Tuesday 12th April 10.00am - 12noon

Easter gifts and cards will be on sale, do come along and support the craft group who work so hard to support our church. The usual cake stall, for those of you with a sweet tooth, will be available. Refreshments will be served.

Easter Morning 5.30am Service and breakfast!

As always on Easter Sunday there will be a special 5.30am service followed by breakfast in the parish hall. It would be lovely if you could join's worth the early rise! If you would like to stay for breakfast please write your name on the sheet at the back of church between now and Easter Sunday to help those organising the bacon butties get the numbers right!

Pete Watson

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Lent Lunch Wednesday 13th April 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We look forward to seeing you for the Lent Lunch in the Parish Hall, hosted by

Pat Griffiths

Lent Lunch Wednesday 29th March 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We look forward to seeing you at our Lent Lunch, in the Parish Hall.

Barbara Richardson

Lent Lunch Wednesday 6th April 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We look forward to seeing you at the Lent Lunch, in the Parish Hall, hosted by

Lynn Allan

Lent Lunch Thursday 24th March 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We look forward to seeing you at the Lent Lunch 0n Thursday in the Parish Hall.

Margaret Webster

Monday, 14 March 2011

St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 28th March St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30 pm

Our speaker at this meeting will be Gill Sullivan who will give us a talk and demonstration on 'Fascinators and Hair Wear'. Admission for members is £1.00 and non members £2.00 (including refreshments). All welcome.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Lent Meditation Evening Tuesday 15th March 7pm

"Stay with me, remain here with me, watch and pray"

You are welcome to St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall for Lent meditation with Sarka Raich's pictures, beautiful music and candle light. In the calm, open your heart and be prepared for Easter. Further details from Pat Griffiths.

coffeemates @ St. Wilfs 30th March 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Come along and join us for coffee and cakes, or just a chat. We look forward to seeing you there.

Patchwork Workshop Monday 21st March St Wilfrid's Brayton Parish Hall

The day will be spent making a cushion cover, either by machine patchwork or by hand, £10 to include all materials. For further details please contact Pat Griffiths.

Coffee morning and Open Church Saturday 12th March 10.00am - 12 noon

We look forward to seeing you at our monthly Open Church and Coffee morning with crafts, do come along and join us for coffee and a chat, all welcome

Parish Lunch - Wednesday 2nd March 12.00 noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Parish Lunch come along and enjoy homemade soup, bread roll, and a dessert, tea and coffee for a donation of £4.

Last month's lunch raised £132 for church funds. (well done the Hambleton team)

Monday, 31 January 2011

Bring and Buy Cake Sale In aid of the Edge Community Sunday 20th February

Bring and Buy cake stall after the Family Service on Sunday 20th February donations of cakes, buns, loaves etc jams and chutneys should be brought on the day and can be left in the Church Hall either before or after the Family Service.

The Edge Community (with Richard Cooke and members from St James, Selby) works to support families on the Flaxley Road estate by providing activities such as after-school club, mother and toddler group, parenting drop-in, monthly Sunday gatherings etc.

For more information please contact one of the Junior Church Leaders.

Mothers' Union 3rd February 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall

With our delayed AGM now over we look forward to an interesting and varied programme in the coming months.
7th - 14th February in National Marriage Week. Members of the Mother's Union seek to uphold the sanctity of marriage and hope, during the week to have a display of wedding photographs in church. Everyone is invited to submit a photo for inclusion in the display. Please would you get your picture to me as soon as possible, clearly marked with your name so that it can be returned to you.

Rev Pete will be at our meeting on 3rd February to tell us about the new Marriage Preparation Day he has initiated at St Wilfrid's for the couples who plan to marry here during the year.

Sheila Newsome

coffeemates @ St. Wilfs 23rd February 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We look forward to seeing many of you at the monthly coffee mates, many thanks to all of you that volunteered to help run this event I'm sure it can only add to the pleasure to have a variety of new faces behind the coffee pots.

Lynn Allan

Friday, 21 January 2011

Parish Lunch - Wednesday 2nd February 12.00 noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Homemade soup, sweet, tea and coffee £3.50. Please come along and join us for fellowship and chat.

Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs 26th January 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Come along for coffee and a chat, at our monthly coffee morning, we look forward to seeing you.

Coffee morning and Open Church Saturday 13th February 10.00am - 12 noon

Coffee tea and a chat with friends, in the Parish Hall. Do come along and enjoy a laugh, we look forward to seeing you all there.

Churches Together Service at St James' Church Selby Sunday 23rd January 10.30am

We will be joining with Churches Together on Sunday 23rd January at 10.30am. It has been a long established tradition for these churches to come together during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Please note there will be no service at St. Wilfrid's.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Thanksgiving Evensong 23rd January 6pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church

You are warmly invited to Evensong on Sunday 23rd January at 6pm. This is an opportunity for us to give thanks for our "new" parish hall. Archdeacon Richard Seed will preach at the service. It would be lovely to see you there!
Pete Watson

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Evensong 23rd January 6.00pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Church

You are warmly invited to Evensong, Archdeacon Richard Seed will be our special guest, an invitation extended to him as a way of expressing the gratitude of everyone at St Wilfrid's for his great support throughout the parish hall project. Richard will preach at the service. It would be lovely to see you there!

Pete Watson

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Mothers' Union 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Just to let you all know that our Branch Annual General Meeting on Thursday 6th January has been postponed until the 20th January. I shall look forward to seeing you all then. Happy New Year to you all.

Pauline Butler Branch Leader.

Parish Lunch - Wednesday 5th January 12.00 noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The parish Lunch will take place in the Parish Hall from 12 noon to 1.30pm. Do come along and enjoy home-made soup, bread roll and a simple dessert.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 31st January 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We look forward this month to welcoming Rev. Pete Watson who will be attending our meeting and chatting with us. I hope to see you all there, new members are always welcome.

Barbara Hind Group Chairperson

Book Club Thursday 27th January 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The book for discussion is Journey to the Gods by John Hillaby. There will be no meeting in Febraury. In March the book we will be reading is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson, and in April we will discuss Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy.

Mothers' Union 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our Branch Annual General Meeting will be held in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm. on Thursday 6th January. I look forward to seeing you all.

Pauline Butler Branch Leader
