Monday, 30 May 2011

St Wilfrid's Junior Church

Junior Church will have a stall at the Summer Fair for 'Nearly New Toys' childrens books, games etc. Donations can be given to Junior Church Leaders in advance or brought to our stall on the day.

In June we will also be involved with both the Family Communion Service for Pentecost on the 12th June, and the Family Service on the 19th June.

Jill Clarke

St Wilfrid's Ladies Monday 27th June 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our Annual General Meeting will be on Monday 27th June. I hope there is a large attendance and involvement of our members for this important meeting which will decide the direction of the groups participating future.

Barbara Hind
Group Chairperson

The Selebian Singers Saturday 25th June 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church

The Selebian Singers will perform their first concert of the year, on Saturday 25th June at 7.30pm Conductor:- Nick Garside Admission £5 at the door, to include light refreshments. All proceeds to St Wilfrid's.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25th June 9.30am St Wilfrid's

Keeping the churchyard tidy continues to be a challenge - which recently has only been tackled by a few people. If you have a little time to spare on the last Saturday of each month, your help would be much appreciated to keep the churchyard a pleasant place to be in. If you can join us, we meet at 9.30am onwards, please bring your own gardening tools, there are many jobs to be done some light and some a little heavier. Refreshments are provided. Thank you in anticipation of a little more help.

Pat Griffiths.

Open Church and Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

As the second Saturday in June is the 11th which is the day of the Summer Fair, there will NOT be a coffee Morning. We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday 16th July.

Parish Lunch Wednesday 1st June 12.noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Parish Lunch, do join us for home-made soup and bread roll, followed by dessert. Everyone welcome, we look forward to seeing you.

Summer Fair Saturday 11th June 2.00pm - 4.00pm Brayton Village Green

Do come along and join us for our annual summer fair on the village green, we welcome Jeremy Buxton of Radio York who will open the fair at 2.00pm. attractions include Cakes - Tombola - Books - Plants - Crafts - Toys - Pickles & Preserves, - Sweet Stall - Best Loved Teddy and Best kept Pet competition - Bouncy castle and many more. When you feel you would like a sit down why not enjoy a well earned cuppa and a piece of cake by joining us in the afternoon teas/ refreshments area.

Parish Family Picnic Sunday 10th July 1.00pm Lotherton Hall

What? come and enjoy a fun, relaxed afternoon of picnicking and games with others from our parish! This is especially for families with pre-school/school age children, but everyone is welcome.

Where? Lotherton Hall, nr Aberford
When? Sunday 10th July, 1pm onwards

Meet in the grassy area by the main car park (parking costs £3.70 per car) Please bring your own picnic and bring balls, bats, rackets, frisbees etc too!

Contact me, Rev Pete, for more info.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Saturday's Working Party

Thanks for all your help on Saturday morning whether up a ladder or just fetching and carrying the coffee and biscuits. Smartwater which is a legal requirement for the validation of the Church's Insurance has now been applied to all metal work on the Church and Parish Hall.


Monday, 2 May 2011

Fund-Raising Event At St Crux' Church, York Friday 10th June

Once again we have been lucky enough to get a place at St Crux' Church for the day, but we need your help! Cafe, stalls, including cakes, preserves, books, plants,toys and games, bric-a-brac, etc. Donations for any of the above will be gratefully accepted, as would help on the day - even for just an odd hour or so. If you could help in any way please have a word with Sylvia Place.

Quiz Night And Buffet Supper 21st May 7.00pm St Francis' Church Thorpe Willoughby

Quiz night and Buffet Supper teams of up to 6 people £5 adults £3 children to book a table please have a word with Shirley or Margaret in church.

coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 25th May 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday 25th May do come along and join us for coffee and cakes.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Book Club Thursday 26th May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

At our May meeting we shall be reviewing the book 'The Long Walk' by Slavomir Rawicz.

Barbara Richardson

St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 23rd May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

This month we are having Teresa Dibb from the Beauty Rooms @ Wetheralls, so do come along, who knows you may even get a make over! Please note the change of date due to the May Bank Holiday.
Next month is our AGM followed by wine and cheese. Please think about and consider if you could perhaps participate within the group, as some members may want a little break and new ideas are always welcome.

Barbara Hind

Remember 'Open Door' Youth Club at St Wilfrid's?

There will be a reunion of Open Door youth club members in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall in early May. If you know of anyone in your family or among your friends, who was once a member, could you let them know? If they are interested in attending a reunion, could they contact Sheila Newsome.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 29th May 9.30am

Many hands make light work so please do come along and help tidy up the churchyard, Spring has brought the usual weeds and general tidying up to be done. Please bring with you your own gardening tools.
Refreshments will be served. Any further details please contact Pat Griffiths.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 14th May 10.00am - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Open Church and Coffee will be served from 10.00am with the usual Crafts, and raffle.
Do come along and meet with your friends and enjoy a welcome cuppa.

York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band Saturday 28th May 7.30pm

York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band concert in St. Wilfrid's Church Tickets £5 to include light refreshments. All proceeds towards church funds.

For tickets or further details contact Vera Jackson

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm Wednesday 4th May St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Parish Lunch returns on Wednesday 4th May £4.00 for home made soup and bread roll, and to finish a dessert - these were missed during Lent!!
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
