Friday, 28 October 2011

Family Communion Service - Advent Sunday 27th November St Wilfrid's Church

Today we welcome 15 of our children and young people who will be receiving Communion for the first time, this is a new and exciting stage on the journey of faith of our younger members, and a journey which we all share. We pray for these children as they start this new journey and wish them God's blessing.

Quiz Night St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby Saturday 19th November 7.00pm

St Francis quiz, tickets £5 which includes supper. Teams of up to six people, to book please contact Kath Schofield.

St Wilfrid's Ladies 28th November St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm

Our next meeting we welcome Richard Sharp of Molly Sharp's Cheese Shop from Finkle Street. We hope that he may give us some ideas for Christmas!
I look forward to seeing you all.
Mo Mayer

St. Wilfrid's Christmas Fair Saturday 19th November 10.00am - 2,00pm

Various stalls, refreshments, and of course the Tombola so do come along and begin your Christmas Shopping. The cafe will be serving Soup, hot dogs and the usual scrumptious cakes.


We will be having our Christingle Service on Sunday 4th December at 3pm in Church.
The Christingles will be put together in Church on Saturday 3rd December at 10.00am and it would be nice to have as much help as possible. If you can spare a couple of hours to join the production line please do come along, all ages welcome (as long as you don't eat all the sweets). Refreshments will be provided.

Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 30th November 10.00am - 12noon St. Wilfrid's parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday, so do come along and join us for coffee and cakes. We look forward to seeing you there.

Churchyard Gardening - Saturday 26th November

The Churchyard grass is now being cut by Selby District Council, and is looking tidier already. We are still maintaining the borders and trying to get to grips with the "wild area" to the north of the church. The gardening group meet from 9.30am onwards and would like more of you to join them, if you could spare an hour or two, you would be most welcome. Refreshments will be served.

Open-church and Coffee Morning Saturday 12th November 10.00am - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffee will be served, so do come along and enjoy a chat with your friends. There will be the usual crafts, books, and Christmas Cards for sale.

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 2nd November

Parish Lunch takes place on Wednesday 2nd November £4.00 for home-made soup, bread-roll and a dessert. All proceeds go to general church funds. All welcome.

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish H

Parish Lunch 12noon - 1.30pm S

Card Workshop Monday 7th November 10.00 - 3pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Card workshop, all that is required is a pair of scissors and your imagination. £6 to include all materials, tea/coffee will be provided. (Please bring your own packed lunch). For further details please contact Kath Fairweather or Pat Griffiths.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Table Top Sale Saturday 15th October 11.00am - 2.00pm St Francis Church Thorpe

Table Top Sale to be held at St Francis Church Thorpe, if you would like to book a table ( Tables £5) please contact Margaret Beal or Shirley Croft. Refreshments - Tea/Coffee and Bacon Butties will be served.

Patchwork Workshop Monday 17th October 10.00am - 3.00pm

Come and make a patchwork Christmas Table Centre, this will be machine patchwork, please bring your own sewing machine and scissors. £10 to include all materials. For further details please contact Pat Griffiths.

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 29th October 9.30am

Thank you to all who have made a start on the brambles at the rear of the church, it's going to be a long job, but it will be worth doing as this will open up a large area of the churchyard. Once again if you have some spare time we would welcome a little more help. Please bring along your own gardening tools and join the "merry band". Refreshments will be served.

Coffeemates @ St Wilfrid's 10.00am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffeemates will be open on Wednesday 26th October from 10.00am - 12noon. Come along and join us for coffee and chat.

Bring And Share Harvest Supper - Saturday 8th October St Wilfrid's parish Hall

Our Harvest Supper will be in the Parish Hall at 6.00pm. This will be a Bring and Share supper, we hope that as many as possible will join us, light entertainment will be provided.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 8th October St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Our monthly Coffee Morning is on Saturday 8th October 10.00am - 12noon. Come along and enjoy a coffee with friends. Crafts and books will be on sale.

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th Sepber St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th Sepber St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Open Church and Coffee Morning Saturday 10th Sepber St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Parish Lunch Wednesday 5th October St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our parish Lunch will be held on Wednesday from 12 noon in the Parish Hall. Home made soup, bread roll and a dessert. Proceeds to general church funds. All welcome
