Sunday, 15 December 2013

Carols Around The Tree - Brayton Village Green 7.00pm Tuesday 17th December

The usual Carols around the village Christmas Tree starts at 7.00pm followed by coffee and mince pies in the scout and guide headquarters.

A warm welcome awaits you.

Carol Service

The usual Mothers' Union combined Carol Service with St Wilfrid's Ladies will be held in church at 7.30pm on Monday 16th December. followed by a bring and share supper in the Parish Hall.

The Branch AGM will be held at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall on Thursday 9th January 2014 and there will not be a meeting on the first Thursday in January.

I hope you all have a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and look forward to 2014.

Pauline Butler,
Branch Leader

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Christmas Fair 7th December 10.00am - 2.00pm St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby

We look forward to seeing many of you at our Christmas Fair, stalls include Cakes, Tombola, Gift Ideas, Games, Books, Crafts and many more.

Refreshments will be served, including the usual Bacon Butties, and from 12 noon Home - made soup and sandwiches, so why not come for lunch.

Christingle And Gift Service 1st December 3pm St Wilfrid's Church

Do come along and join us in this celebration of the work of the Childrens Society.

We combine this service with the collection of gifts to be distributed to needy children in our area.  If you would like to bring a gift please mark on it whether it is suitable for a boy and / or girl and what age group it would be most appropriate for.

Lynn Allan

Sunday, 3 November 2013

"A Christmas Carol" St Wilfrid's Parish Church

We once again welcome Keith Bailey to perform his one man production of "A Christmas Carol" for two nights only 29 November and  30 November at 7pm in church.  Tickets available £5 adults £2 children, if you missed this last time it is well worth getting into the festive mood.
Further information and tickets from Pat Griffiths or Carol Sowden.

St Wilfrid's Autumn Fair Saturday 23 November 10.00am - 1pm

The Children's Choir from Brayton CE Primary School will be once again singing for us at out Autumn Fair. All the usual stalls will be available for you to purchase your Christmas presents, along with Father Christmas arriving with his fairy and elfs. We hope you all have an enjoyable time.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Quiz Night And Supper St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby Saturday 16 November 7pm

Once again we will be holding the annual Quiz Night and Supper if you have not been before do come and put you quiz skills to the test. £6 including supper (one not to be missed).
Further details from Shirley Croft or Margaret Beal.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Harvest HoeDown Saturday 12th October 7pm At Brayton High School

There are still a few tickets available for the Harvest HoeDown Adults £6 Children £3 or you can pay at the door, please bring along a bring and share supper. Music by Gaelstrom. Further details contact Ian Chilvers.

Open Church & Coffee Morning Saturday 12th October 10.00am St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffee will be served at the monthly Open Church Coffee Morning, we look forward to seeing many of you there. There will be the usual raffle, books and crafts on sale.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Parish Away Day Saturday 14th September

Come and enjoy a relaxing day of fellowship and fun! We'll worship together, and explore the idea of "story"- ours and God's. There will be free time to hit the beach if you want to! Sounds like a great day. Coach leaves St Wilfrid's at 9.00am returning from Emmanuel Church Bridlington, at 4.30pm arriving St Wilfrid's at 6.00pm All you will need is your own packed lunch and a bring and share cake for the afternoon, tea/coffee and juice will be provided. Cost, Adults £6 Children £3 Please sign the form at the back of church there is still time, or speak with the churchwardens for further details.

Open Church & Coffee Morning 14th September St Wilfrid's

Our open church coffee morning is cancelled this month, as it is the Parish Away Day. We will resume as normal next month.

Community Lunch St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 12 Noon

Our next Community Lunch will be on Wednesday 4th September from 12 noon - 1.30pm. Home-made soup and bread roll, and dessert followed by tea or coffee £4. This event is open to all.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Coffemates @ St. Wilfs 28th August St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We ore open for tea/coffee on Wednesday from 10.00am - 12 noon. We look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 31st July 10.00am - 12 Noon

Come and join us for tea/coffee and homemade cakes. We look forward to seeing you and your friends there.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Pentecost Choral Evensong St Wilfrid's Parish Church 6.00pm

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25th May St Wilfrid's Church 9.30am

We meet at 9.30am in the churchyard to do general tidying up, there is always plenty to do.  The area to the rear of the church is much improved but still needs work, so anyone who would like to give a little of their time once a month would be most welcome.

St Wilfrid's Ladies 21st May St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm

Will members please note that because of the May Bank Holiday the meeting will be on Tuesday 21st May. I look forward to seeing you then.
Mo Meyer

Friday, 10 May 2013

Mothers' Union Deanery Festival Service Wednesday 15th May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church Brayton

The Deanery Festival Service will be held at St Wilfrid's Church Brayton, I look forward to seeing you all there as we welcome Barbara Richardson as our new Deanery President.

Mothers' Union Coffee Morning 11th May St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 10.00 - 12noon

Friday, 26 April 2013

Mothers' Union Thursday 2nd May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our meeting will be held in the Parish Hall when Doctor Richard Shepherd will talk to us about York Minster.  Non members are invited to join us for this open meeting.  We plan to go to the Minster in July with St Wilfrid's Ladies' Group and this will be a good introduction. Saturday 11th May, we will be holding our MU Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall from 10am - 12noon. Please come and support these events.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Churchyard Gardening

Weather permitting the churchyard gardeners will be back on Saturday 27th April from 9.30am.  If you would like to join the team and could spare an hour or two we would love to see you. There is plenty to keep us out of mischief with clearing the North side of the church ready for when Selby Council come to cut the grass. Please bring along with you you're own gardening tools. Refreshments will be provided.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Friends of St Wilfrid's Concert

In efforts to raise vital funds for our Church Fabric Fund, the friends of St Wilfrid's are holding a concert in church on Saturday 27th April at 7pm.  The 24 piece Selby Youth Jazz Orchestra from Selby Music Centre, under the baton of Nick Garside, will play a programme of popular music.
Tickets are on sale £5 and available from any member of the committee, children free.  Light refreshments will be served.

Coffeemates@ St. Wilfs

We are open on Wednesday 24th April from 10am - 12noon in the Parish Hall.  Come along and join us for tea/coffee and homemade cakes.
We look forward to seeing you and your friends there.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Open Church Coffee Morning Saturday 13th April 10.00am - 12 Noon

The monthly Coffee Morning will take place in the Parish Hall with the usual cakes, crafts, books and raffle. We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Community Lunch Wednesday 3rd April St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 12 Noon

The Community Lunch commences again on Wednesday 3rd April 12 noon in the Parish Hall. Home-made soup and breadroll followed by a dessert, tea or coffee £4 This is open to all the community come along and enjoy the fellowship.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Children's Good Friday Activities and Service

Good Friday Activities for children will be held in church from 10.00am - 12 noon we hope that you will come and join us in putting the Easter Garden together, making Easter buns, and decorating an Easter card, plus many more activities.

Coffeemates@ St Wilfs 10.00 - 12 Noon Parish Hall

We are open tomorrow for tea/coffee and homemade cakes. We look forward to seeing you and your friends there.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Craft group Easter Fair 10.00 - 12 noon Saturday 9th March

St Wilfrid's craft group has been working hard producing a selection of Easter and Mother's Day Gifts that will be on sale at the coffee morning which is to be held on Saturday. A warm welcome awaits you.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Open Church & Coffee Morning Saturday 9th February 10.00 - 12noon

Do join us for our monthly Open Church Coffee Morning, enjoy meeting up with friends old and new.
The usual crafts will be on sale, and raffle.

Community Lunch 6th February 12noon

The Community Lunch is back again do come along and enjoy home-made soup bread roll followed by a simple dessert, tea or coffee £4. A warm welcome awaits you.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Open Church & Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 10.00am

Our first Coffee Morning of 2013 will be held on Saturday 12th January in the Parish Hall.  Do come along and enjoy a cuppa and chat
