Friday, 26 April 2013

Mothers' Union Thursday 2nd May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Our meeting will be held in the Parish Hall when Doctor Richard Shepherd will talk to us about York Minster.  Non members are invited to join us for this open meeting.  We plan to go to the Minster in July with St Wilfrid's Ladies' Group and this will be a good introduction. Saturday 11th May, we will be holding our MU Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall from 10am - 12noon. Please come and support these events.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Churchyard Gardening

Weather permitting the churchyard gardeners will be back on Saturday 27th April from 9.30am.  If you would like to join the team and could spare an hour or two we would love to see you. There is plenty to keep us out of mischief with clearing the North side of the church ready for when Selby Council come to cut the grass. Please bring along with you you're own gardening tools. Refreshments will be provided.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Friends of St Wilfrid's Concert

In efforts to raise vital funds for our Church Fabric Fund, the friends of St Wilfrid's are holding a concert in church on Saturday 27th April at 7pm.  The 24 piece Selby Youth Jazz Orchestra from Selby Music Centre, under the baton of Nick Garside, will play a programme of popular music.
Tickets are on sale £5 and available from any member of the committee, children free.  Light refreshments will be served.

Coffeemates@ St. Wilfs

We are open on Wednesday 24th April from 10am - 12noon in the Parish Hall.  Come along and join us for tea/coffee and homemade cakes.
We look forward to seeing you and your friends there.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Open Church Coffee Morning Saturday 13th April 10.00am - 12 Noon

The monthly Coffee Morning will take place in the Parish Hall with the usual cakes, crafts, books and raffle. We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Community Lunch Wednesday 3rd April St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 12 Noon

The Community Lunch commences again on Wednesday 3rd April 12 noon in the Parish Hall. Home-made soup and breadroll followed by a dessert, tea or coffee £4 This is open to all the community come along and enjoy the fellowship.
