Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Parish Away Day Saturday 14th September

Come and enjoy a relaxing day of fellowship and fun! We'll worship together, and explore the idea of "story"- ours and God's. There will be free time to hit the beach if you want to! Sounds like a great day. Coach leaves St Wilfrid's at 9.00am returning from Emmanuel Church Bridlington, at 4.30pm arriving St Wilfrid's at 6.00pm All you will need is your own packed lunch and a bring and share cake for the afternoon, tea/coffee and juice will be provided. Cost, Adults £6 Children £3 Please sign the form at the back of church there is still time, or speak with the churchwardens for further details.

Open Church & Coffee Morning 14th September St Wilfrid's

Our open church coffee morning is cancelled this month, as it is the Parish Away Day. We will resume as normal next month.

Community Lunch St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 12 Noon

Our next Community Lunch will be on Wednesday 4th September from 12 noon - 1.30pm. Home-made soup and bread roll, and dessert followed by tea or coffee £4. This event is open to all.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Coffemates @ St. Wilfs 28th August St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

We ore open for tea/coffee on Wednesday from 10.00am - 12 noon. We look forward to seeing you there.
