Sunday, 28 September 2014

Looking to the Future

Do you ever wonder..... what does the future hold for our church community here?.. and how can I help shape a future for it beyond my own lifetime?

If you are serious about a future for our Christian community in this parish, this day will give you an opportunity to begin exploring how that can be achieved, even if it means taking us beyond our comfort zones.

The parish, like every other parish in the country, is facing unprecedented challenges, not at least, a society which disregards religious faith and commitment as irrelevant.  But with great challenge comes great opportunity! Saturday 22nd November, 10.00am - 4.00pm, St Wilfrid's Parish Hall.  Please bring your own lunch. Tea/coffee provided.

Pete Watson & Richard Barrersby

Choral Evensong Service 12 October 6.00pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Church

As part of our Harvest Celebrations there will be a Choral Evensong Service in the church on Sunday 12 October at 6.00pm
