Wednesday, 10 December 2014

St Wilfrid's Calendar For December

Thursday 11th 7.30pm  Mother's Union and St Wilfrid's Ladies Carol Service

Tuesday 16th 7.00pm Carols Around the Tree Brayton Village Green

Sunday 21st  6.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols

Wednesday 24th  Christmas Eve 6.00pm Parish Crib Service
                                                   11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion

Thursday 25th Christmas Day 10.30am Joint Parish Family Communion

Sunday 28th 10.30am Joint Parish Lay-Led Morning Prayer at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Carol Service

The usual Mothers' Union combined Carol Service with St Wilfrid's Ladies will be held in church at 7.30pm on Thursday 11th December. followed by a bring and share supper in the Parish Hall.

I hope you all have a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and look forward to 2015.

Pauline Butler
Branch Leader
