Wednesday, 27 December 2017

January Connected

This month the printed version of Connected was produced early in December so that the printing and stapling could be finished before  the Christmas festivities began. The online edition was much more flexible and therefore there is much more in this version this month. In both editions Revd. Pete Watson gives thanks for the results of the Giving in Grace initiative at St Wilfrid’s, whilst Tony Service looks forward to the New Year and Methodism in January. Sheila Newsome asks for help in tracking down Frederick Harrison, and the Brayton Mothers Union sign up Revd. Pete, and eat mince pies. Again.
I’m also very happy to reproduce the Diocese of York article on the excellent Wellbeing CafĂ© that is held each Monday at St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall. Many thanks to the Diocese for their kind permission. There is also a brief article on the re-commissioning of the St Wilfrid’s Ministry Team, and the Autumn/Christmas Fairs are remembered in photographs.

The January Connected can be found here:

and previous editions of Connected here:    

Monday, 4 December 2017

December Connected

The December edition of Connected is available to download.

This month Revd. Glenda urges us to use Advent as preparation for Christmas by sharing with those who find it a struggle to survive. Tony Service looks forward to Christmas and Roger Sowden shares some fantastic pictures of St Wilfrid’s during winter. Charlotte Watson highlights a forthcoming ‘The Voice’ concert in Selby Abbey, whilst Kathryn Pritchard explains about the Operation Christmas Child initiative; a very worthwhile use for the humble shoebox. 

I was sent a load of images of the Saints & Superheroes evening at Brayton Primary School which I am pleased to include this month - it looked like great fun and I rather wish that I had gone along. Mrs Clarke has a go at ‘incorporating as many Songs from the Shows titles in her Mother’s Union piece as possible’, and I report on the St Wilfrid’s Choir as it commences its preparations for Christmas. There is also an online audio file of the Choir’s rendition of Coventry Carol for you to enjoy. 

As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.
