The December Connected is available to download!
This month Revd. Philip MacDonald says ‘Hello’ and savours the season of Advent, whilst Tony Service looks forward to the Methodist Services over Christmas whilst remembering their Armistice Day Remembrance Sunday.
Revd. Pete Watson says thanks for the contribution of Revd. Glenda Webb who has now left St Wilfrid’s for pastures new. Yvonne Green & Richard Whitehouse thank the Connected staplers, and Revd. Pete welcomes Iain Nutt to the Ministry Team and Claire Hodgson embarks on Reader Training.
Pat Ainger & Lynn Allan invite us to their respective Christingle Services, and the Mothers Union feast their eyes on Gill Guilliatt’s wonderful creative icing, whilst Revd. Pete updates us on the St Wilfrid’s Church into Growth initiative.
Finally I report on the St Wilfrid’s Remembrance Day Service, and the recent Wine & Wisdom Quiz which was won by my team. Just saying…
The December Connected can be download here
and previous editions of Connected can be found here