Thursday, 28 February 2019

The March Edition of Connected is available to download!
In this edition Jackie Jackman, taking the lead in the  ‘Dear Friends’ column, celebrates the invention of the satnav, and notes that Jesus can act as a satnav throughout our Christian journey.
The Brayton Mothers Union anticipates a busy month ahead, and Mrs Clarke reports on Hilary & Lyndsey’s inspiring visit to the Ukraine with Selby Soroptomists. Martha Harrold enjoys the Voice concert in Selby Abbey, whilst Martin Millward continues his discussion of the importance of prayer from last month.
Cathy Rodgers sets out the all-important Parish Safeguarding  policy, and Tony Service updates us on all matters Methodist.
Finally I ramble on about Mothering Sunday, pancakes, the good work of the St Wilfrid’s Social Committee, and more cheekily, ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ St Wilf’s style!
The March Connected may be viewed here
Earlier editions of Connected may be found here
