Friday, 30 October 2020

St Wilfrid's Morning Prayer Livestream 1st November 2020 @ 10:30am

 Hello everyone, 

I hope this finds you keeping well. Please use this link to download the order of service and hymns/reading sheet for this Sunday's service of Morning Prayer for All Saints Day, which is happening at 10:30am on our youtube channel.

Hope you're able to join us.

Every blessing, 

Revd. Hannah

Saturday, 24 October 2020

St Wilfrid's Holy Communion Live stream 25th October 2020 @ 10:30am







Hello everyone

Please download the Order of Service and Hymns/Readings 
sheet for this Sunday’s Holy Communion
service, happening at 10.30 on our YouTube Channel.

Hope you’re able to join us on Sunday!


Revd. Pete


Download the service sheet and readings for this Sunday’s 10:30am service here.

Looking forward to worshipping with you, if you can be there.



Sunday, 18 October 2020

St Wilfrid's Church Open 1st November 2020


Dear Friend

The beginning of November is traditionally a time when the Church across the world gives thanks for the Christian Saints and all who have died.

Under normal circumstances we would be organising a Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for All Saints Day this year, Sunday 1st November at 3pm. At this service we would normally remember by name all those whose funerals have been held at St. Wilfrid’s, Brayton or at St.Francis, Thorpe Willoughby from September 2019 until August this year, as well as those whose funeral services have been conducted at a crematorium or cemetery during this period.

It is also an opportunity to remember any loved ones who have died, whether connected to the parish or not.

Sadly, the current Covid related restrictions in place mean the service this year is not possible. However, St Wilfrid’s Church will be open from 2-4pm on 1st November, and you would be most welcome to come and use the space for a time of quiet reflection and prayer, if you want to. There will also be the opportunity to light a candle in loving memory of any loved ones who have died.

Our prayer would be that you would find comfort and strength in this commemoration.

May you know God’s blessing and peace.

Yours very warmly

Rev Pete Watson

Note: Movement around, and seating in, the church building will be subject to the usual social distancing measures, though individual households and support bubbles will be permitted to sit together.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Harvest 2020


St Wilfrid's Celtic Communion Live stream 18th October 2020 @ 10:30am

 Hello everyone,

Please download the Order of Service and Hymns/Readings sheet for this Sunday’s Harvest Celtic Communion service, happening at 10.30 on our YouTube Channel, along with a flyer with a reminder of the ways in which you can donate to Selby and District Foodbank, who we are supporting this year.

Hope you’re able to join us on Sunday!

Every blessing, 


Friday, 2 October 2020

How to Feel Better


We hope you are all well.

With the impact of Covid affecting so many people, we are really excited to be able to offer weekly Zoom sessions, providing support around ‘Managing Wellbeing’. These sessions will be informal, but facilitated and guided by us, to enable participants to access the help they need, while finding ways to feel better and move forward.

The first session is next Tuesday, October 6th 2020, 5:00pm – 6:30pm

Then weekly every Tuesday, 5:00pm – 6:30pm for the next six months (using the same Zoom link every week)

We are using the image above to publicise this rather than publicising the actual zoom link, so if you are happy to share that image to help advertise this for us, that would be fantastic, thank you.

However, if you know of anyone who would like to come along, or would benefit from being involved, please feel free to pass the Zoom link below on to them directly.

If you have any questions or we can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks for all your time and help.

Best wishes,


Emily Havercroft

MTH – Making Things Happen CIC

St Wilfrid's Morning Prayer Livestream 4th October 2020


Hello all

The service sheet for this Sunday’s 10:30am YouTube service is attached here.

Looking forward to worshipping with you, if you can make it!


Rev Pete

