Hello all
Please do join us for Inspire this Sunday 5th December at 5pm in the St Wilfrid’s hall. It’s a very informal, cafĂ© style time of fellowship and contemporary worship. You’d be very welcome!!
Bye for now
Revd. Pete
Hello all
Please do join us for Inspire this Sunday 5th December at 5pm in the St Wilfrid’s hall. It’s a very informal, cafĂ© style time of fellowship and contemporary worship. You’d be very welcome!!
Bye for now
Revd. Pete
What a sad autumn this has been - we lost amongst others, Tony Service, Brenda Nicholson (a warm, bright, vivacious, bubbly and warm hearted member of our church family...) and Revd. Rodger Place. Despite this sadness, as Revd. Christine Gilespie writes in a timely fashion, we must take comfort and support from God’s love that will never fail us.
There is an article on Revd. Rodger Place, and I have included Revd. Pete’s Reflection that was spoken at Rodger’s funeral.
There are also items on the embroidery exhibition at Selby Abbey, and the opening of St Wilfrid’s for people to experience the building as a source of inspiration.
Jane Graham reports on the Stage Reading of the play Country Dances that Martin Pearson organised recently.
Keith Fossey, of the Swaziland Schools Project thanks us for helping the charity improve the lives of young people in Eswatini.
Finally I am delighted to share photographs of Revd. Rob Suekarran’s final service before moving to Hull, and also of Monica Oddy’s 90th birthday celebration in St Francis.
The December Connected is available to download here
Dear all
St Wilfrid's is open this Sunday with Holy Communion with Prayer and Anointing for Healing Service at 10:30am. It will be available in St Wilfrid’s, and as a livestream on YouTube – please use this link!
The Service and readings sheets may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid’s A Church Near You website using this link.
We look forward to you joining us either in person or through the livestream
Revd. Pete
Come along and hear Matthew Collins of Howden Minster at the St Wilfrid’s Church organ. There will be a retiring collection, plus a light tea for donations. In the Parish Hall. Pat
Hi everyone
It’s Alive@5 this Sunday 28th November, 5pm in St Wilf’s Parish Hall!
This month we’ll be thinking about how we can prepare for Christmas! There will be snacks, games, songs, family craft, a bit of thinking time and saying ‘hi’ to God together…and of course, lots of fun for all the family!
Really hope you can join us!
Bye for now
Rev Pete & the Alive@5 Team
Given the rising incidences of Covid in our local primary schools, once again we are sadly having to postpone this year’s Christingle and Gift Service, which had been due to take place on 5th December.
However, as we do each year, we would still like to invite you to donate Christmas gifts to disadvantaged children and teenagers in the Selby area. As we did last year, please would you bring your gift/s and leave on the veranda at the Brayton rectory behind St Wilfrid’s Church by Sunday 5th December at the latest.
As always, please wrap gifts and indicate if they are for a girl or boy and the approximate age range they are suitable for.
Gifts for teenagers would be very welcome, such as make up, deodorant, or shop gift tokens.
Thank you!
For more information please contact me, Revd. Pete, on 01757 704 707 or at rector@stwilfridsparish.com
Dear all
St Wilfrid's is open this Sunday with a joint Parish Celtic Communion at 10:30am. It will be available in St Wilfrid’s, and as a livestream on YouTube – please use this link!
The Service and readings sheets may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid’s A Church Near You website using this link.
We look forward to you joining us either in person or through the livestream
Revd. Pete
Dear all
St Wilfrid's is open this Sunday with Holy Communion at 10:30am. It will be available in St Wilfrid’s, and as a livestream on YouTube – please use this link!
The Service and readings sheets may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid’s A Church Near You website using this link.
We look forward to you joining us either in person or through the livestream
Revd. Pete
Dear all
St Wilfrid's is open this Sunday with a lay-led Morning Prayer service at 10:30am. It will be available in St Wilfrid’s, and as a livestream on YouTube – please use this link!
The Service and readings sheets may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid’s A Church Near You website using this link.
We look forward to you joining us either in person or through the livestream
Revd. Pete