This month Revd. Paul Finlinson talks about finding the time to thank God.
Pete Watson writes about the differing services available at St
Wilfrid’s. Jill Clarke thanks everyone for a bouquet of flowers on her
stepping down as treasurer, whist I, with the help of Sheila Newsome and
Revd. Pete, report on the changing colours in church during the Easter
Tim Lenton writes about the 60th anniversary of Coventry Cathedral, and I write some nonsense about dog crossbreeds. Finally, Jill Clarke reports on the recent Mothers’ Union service during which Lynn Allan was commissioned as Mothers’ Union Deanery President by the Bishop of Selby.
The May Connected may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid's or St Francis A Church Near You (ACNY) websites. The St Wilfrid's ACNY site may be found here.
Alternatively Connected may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid's webpage here and earlier copies here