Sunday, 20 December 2009

Merry Christmas

The Churchwardens and Clergy wish you a blessed Christmas and peaceful new year

Christmas Eve 6.00pm St Wilfrid's

Come and join us for this very special family service where junior church act the story of the carol "While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by night". This is one of our most popular Christmas services where the children bring gifts which are then passed on to needy children.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Carol Service 17 December 7.30pm

Mother Union and St. Wilfrid's ladies Carol Service, followed with a faith supper in the parish hall everyone welcome.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

A note for your diary

Sunday 20 December 6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols service, at St. Wilfrid's Parish Church Brayton. The Archdeacon will preside.

Tuesday 22 December 6.30 Carols round the tree on Brayton Village Green. When the Brayton Infant School Choir will sing a selection of Christmas music. This will be followed by refreshments in the Scout/Guide HQ

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Introducing our new Rector ...

The Reverend Peter David Watson is to be our new Rector as was announced in all churches in the Parish on November 1st 2009.

Pete is married to Charlotte and they have three daughters, Meg 8, Evie 7, and Molly 4 (almost 5).

Pete’s parents were Baptist missionaries. He was educated in India and Glasgow, he went to St. Andrews University and obtained an M.A. in Arabic and Social Anthropology. He took a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, at Westminster College, Oxford. It is whilst Pete was in Oxford that he met Charlotte.

Pete’s teaching career was in Eynsham in Oxfordshire, Mussoorie, India and Leeds. He returned to college at St. John’s in Durham where he obtained a B.A. in Theology and Ministry.

Pete is currently an Assistant Curate of Boston spa, Thorp Arch and Walton.

The family will be moving to Brayton at the end of December and Pete will take up his Ministry with us at the end of January 2010.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Autumn Fair (Sat 21 November)

A big thank you everyone who came and supported us. A special thank you to Brayton Infant School Choir, who sang at the opening of the Fair.
The grand sum of £1006 was raised for church funds.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

The new St Wilfrid's Parish Hall opened by the Archbishop of York

A 25 year dream culminated on Thursday (12 November 2009) when the new Parish Hall was officially opened and dedicated in a special Festal Choral Evensong by the Archbishop of York the Most Rev'd and Rt. Hon. Dr. John T. M. Sentamu.

Photos from the event are now uploaded - take a look here. An article has also been added to the Archibishop's website.

For more information about booking the hall, please take a look at our Church Bookings page.

Barn Dance (14 November)

An good night was had by everyone, dancing to the Jelly Beans Kayleigh Band. £200 was raised for the New Parish Hall.
Thank you to all who were involved with all the preparation to make this such an enjoyable night.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Coffeemates @ St Wilfs

Starting in January we will be holding a Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall on the last Wednesday of every month. This will replace the monthly Hall fundraising events that have been organised around the Parish for the past couple of years. We still need to continue our fundraising to ensure that we can offer good, fully equipped facilities in the new building, but we can now reap the benefits of the Hall while doing so.

Please support COFFEEMATES @ ST. WILFS. and encourage your friends and neighbours to come along and enjoy this new facility, we hope to make this a regular meeting place for the village community. As well as the usual Tea, Coffee and home baking there will be a Children’s Corner and a Book Swop Shop. All monies raised will go towards the costs of the Hall.

If you would like to help with the Coffee Mornings, on either a regular or occasional basis I would love to hear from you. Please ring me on 706068 or have a word with me in Church.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

St Wilfrid's Parish Hall - 25 year dream becomes a reality

It's been a long time in the making, but after 25 years of planning, dedicated fund-raising and 8 months of building work, the new St Wilfrid's Brayton Parish Hall is finished.

The Parish Hall will be officially opened and dedicated in a special Festal Choral Evensong by the Archbishop of York the Most Rev'd and Rt. Hon. Dr. John T. M. Sentamu on Thursday 12 November 2009 in St. Wilfrid's Church, Brayton. The service will be led by the Rural Dean of Selby, the Rev'd. Christopher Wilton and the Archdeacon of York the Ven. Richard Seed will also be in attendance.

It doesn't stop there! Fundraising will continue, ensuring that the Parish Hall excellent facilities for the local community and the surrounding area of Selby.

The project has been part-funded through the Landfill Communities Fund of Waste Recycling Group (WRG) administrated and distributed by Waste Recycling Environmental Limited (WREN). Recent grants have also been received from Brayton Parish Council, Selby Community Investment Partnership, Selby Area Committee, the Diocese of York. Management expertise was provided by the Chevin Housing Group.

Work started on the Parish Hall back in January 2009 and finished in late September. It wasn't all plain sailing for main contractors Manor House Developments of York. Not only did the overcome early difficulties with winter weather and poor ground conditions, they also had to undergo a meticulous professional archaeological exercise. This led to the Parish Hall being built on special foundations which allows it to flow over the top of some ancient burials without disturbance.

This new Parish Hall is an open plan, multi-use meeting room. It has a seating capacity of up to 50 people, along with kitchen, storage room and fully accessible toilets. It is available to all community groups - not just church groups - and all booking requests will be treated on equal merit.

For more information or to make a booking, please contact the booking secretary by email or telephone 01757 704542.

Churches Working Together Quiz Night (7th Nov)

Selby Methodist Church hosted the Selby Working Together Quiz Night which included pie and pea supper. Fourteen teams representing different churches in Selby took part in the quiz.
St.Wilfrid's entered two teams and had a wonderful result coming first and third, a good night was enjoyed by everyone.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Parish Lunch - £40 raised

Many thanks to all who attended the Parish Lunch on Wednesday (28th) £40 was raised and went to General Church Funds.

Monday, 2 November 2009

The Cambrian Male Choir

A very big thank you to Bryan Myles and all the members of the Cambrian Male Choir not forgetting Diane John their Accompanist, for providing us with an enjoyable evening. Guest soloists Clare Meadley and our own Musical Director Cliff Pritchard enhanced the enjoyment by providing additional variety to a varied programme.

This enjoyable evening raised £600 for the Parish Hall Fund.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

New Rector Announced ...

David Howden, Churchwarden, has made the following announcement to the congregations today (Sunday 1st November 2009).

I have the authority of the The Right Rev'd Martin Wallace, Bishop of Selby, to make this announcement at all services held in the Parish on the 1st November.

Bill and I, as Parish representatives and churchwardens, have been working very closely with the Bishop of Selby and the Archdeacon of York during this Interregnum and we are delighted to announce that an appointment has been made to this benefice.

The Reverend Peter David Watson, who is at present the assistant Curate of Boston Spa, Thorpe Arch and Walton, has been appointed as the new Rector of the Parish of Brayton.

He is married to Charlotte and they have three girls Meg aged 8 years, Evie aged 7 in a couple of weeks and Molly aged 4 years

As churchwardens, Bill and I are delighted with this appointment and hope that we shall see the family moving to Brayton over the Christmas school holidays with a Collation and Induction in late January.

We trust you will all remember Pete, Charlotte, Meg, Evie and Molly in your prayers as they plan this move to come and join us here in Brayton.

Music for November 2009

Music list for November has now been uploaded to the website - and can be found on the Get Involved page
Go there now ...

Friday, 23 October 2009

Don't forget Parish lunch this coming Wednesday (28th)

There will be a Parish lunch on Wednesday 28th October at the home of Pat and Vyv Griffiths (starting at 12 noon - 1.30pm). £3.50 for soup and bread roll, simple dessert, tea or coffee (and the fellowship comes free!)

All proceeds to General Church Funds

Thursday, 15 October 2009

A bit of dangerous gardening at St Wilfrid's !!

Extreme gardening is all in a day's work for Marcus Taperell

Marcus recently helped Brayton Church remove a tree - not too amazing you say - well wait until you see where it was ...

That's right ... the tree was halfway up the spire ... and lucky old Marcus had the task of rescuing it.

See more photos of Marcus and the views from his unique vantage point on the photos page of the St Wilfrid's Parish website

Friday, 9 October 2009

Scout and Guide concert raises a brilliant £200!

The concert (on Saturday 19 Sept) was in aid of our St. Wilfrid's Brayton Parish Hall Fund and raised £200. Our hall is now complete and we are very grateful to the young people in the band for entertaining us and raising the much needed money!

Here is the band ...

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Sign-up for email alerts when latest news is updated

A great new feature is now available on the website!

Go to the latest news page and you will see a 'subscribe' link at the top. Enter your email address in the box that appears (and you'll have to enter a few letters just to confirm you are not one of those awful automated internet robots!) and then, a few seconds later, just click on the link sent to your inbox and you're done!

You'll then be kept up-to-date with all the latest news added to the website (without having to visit the website each time!)

There are quite a few signed-up already!

So - what could be simpler ... go on, do it now ... you know you want to!

Parish magazine - deadline for inclusion in November issue

Don't forget to email Martha with anything for inclusion in the November issue of 'Contact' by the 15 October. The email address is:

An electronic copy of each magazine once published is now also available on the website (under latest news)

St Wilfrid's Brayton - Parish Hall Latest Photos

Latest photos just in of the new Parish Hall at St Wilfrid's ... here's one for you below (and some more can be found at

Friday, 25 September 2009

Good luck to Ali Richardson in her London 'Run to the Beat'

Gwynne and Barbara's daughter in law is running in the London 'Run to the Beat' half marathon on Sunday 27 September to raise awareness and money to help overcome Batten's disease. If you would like to sponsor Ali, there is a form available at the back of church. More info from Barbara

Parish Lunch - £52.50 raised - a big thank you

The Parish Lunch held at Pat and Vyv's home on Wednesday 16 September raised £52.50 for general funds. Thank you to all who supported this event

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 26 September

A quick reminder ... churchyard gardening from 9.30am on Saturday 26 September. Coffee and biscuits supplied. Bring your own gardening tools!!
See you there

Music for Sunday 27th September

Processional: 133 Come ye thankful people, come

Offertory: 25 All things bright and beautiful

Anthem: 933 Laudate, 184 For the beauty of the earth

Communion: 356 Jesu, son of Mary

Recessional: 719 We plough the fields and scatter

Monday, 14 September 2009

Music for Sunday 20th September

Processional: 70 Be thou my vision
Offertory: 494 O God our help in ages past
Anthem: Lead me Lord
Communion: 661 There’s a spirit in the air
Recessional: 249 Great is thy faithfulness

Monday, 7 September 2009

St Wilfrid's Brayton - Parish Hall Update

The new hall is really starting to take shape now. Here's a picture from only a few days ago

St Wilfrid's Junior Church

Our Junior Church holiday continues until 13 September but it has been good to see several children in Church on Sunday mornings. We look forward to welcoming some new members when we return and realise that parents will need to stay to settle in their children. We have a planning meeting on Tuesday 8 September for those Mums on the rota of helpers but all parents are welcome to attend - please contact me for more details.

We will all miss Father Darren's enthusiasm and encouragement and the children will particularly miss his interaction at the end of the Sunday morning services. We wish him well in his new post.

The Family Service has been re-arranged for 27 September and will be a Family Communion as it is Harvest Festival.

Regards, Jill Clark

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Churchyard Gardening

Churchyard gardening will take place from 9.30am onwards on Saturday 26 September. All welcome to come along. Please bring your own gardening tools. Refreshments will be served in church
More details - call 01757 705793

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Church Floodlights

Our church is a beautiful building - why not share your celebration with people in the village by having it floodlit?
If you wish to do this for an anniversary, birthday, in memory of someone or on the evening or week of a funeral or some other date which is special to you, please contact Pat Griffiths at '' or 705793 for more details

Monday, 20 July 2009

Car boot sale - 1 August 2009

Don't forget the car boot sale on Saturday 1 August. We will welcome all those things you no longer want to help raise funds for the Parish Hall

Further information from the fundraising committee members
