Monday, 9 November 2009

Coffeemates @ St Wilfs

Starting in January we will be holding a Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall on the last Wednesday of every month. This will replace the monthly Hall fundraising events that have been organised around the Parish for the past couple of years. We still need to continue our fundraising to ensure that we can offer good, fully equipped facilities in the new building, but we can now reap the benefits of the Hall while doing so.

Please support COFFEEMATES @ ST. WILFS. and encourage your friends and neighbours to come along and enjoy this new facility, we hope to make this a regular meeting place for the village community. As well as the usual Tea, Coffee and home baking there will be a Children’s Corner and a Book Swop Shop. All monies raised will go towards the costs of the Hall.

If you would like to help with the Coffee Mornings, on either a regular or occasional basis I would love to hear from you. Please ring me on 706068 or have a word with me in Church.
