Monday, 26 April 2010
St Wilfrid's Summer Fayre 12th June
The Summer Fayre will be held on the 12th June so make a note in your diaries. The Churchwardens are once again having there Tombola stall but they seek your help with the prizes, if you find that you can contribute in any way a box will be placed at the back of church for any kind contribution.
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 26th May 10.00 -...
- Book Club Thursday 27th May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Pa...
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 24th May 7.30pm
- St Wilfrid's Summer Fayre 12th June
- Open Church and Coffee Morning 10.00-12.00 Saturda...
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 19th May 12noon to 1.30pm...
- Mothers'Union Thursday May 6th - 7.30pm St Wilfrid...
- Concert Saturday 8th May 7.30pm
- York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band