Wednesday, 5 May 2010
St Francis' Church- Major Fund-Raising Event Friday 21st May
A day at St Crux Church, York (bottom of the shambles) on Friday 21st May. A full day-cafe and stalls,including cakes and preserves, books,toys/games, bric-a-brac, plants, cd/dvd/videos ect. We shall be very grateful for donations for any of the above stalls (but no electrical, furniture or other large items please) offers of help on the day would be much appreciated,If you would like to help please have a word with Sylvia in church.
- St. Francis' Shared Church- St Crux Day
- St. Francis' Coffee Mornings
- Open Church and Coffee Morning
- St. Wilfrid's Ladies Monday 28th June 7.30pm Paris...
- Mother's Union Thursday 3rd June 7.30pm
- Photos from Pete's sponsored flight in a glider
- Words Of Encouragement
- Mother's Union Coffee Morning Saturday 15th May 10...
- St Francis' Church- Major Fund-Raising Event Frid...