Saturday, 25 September 2010
Magazine Editor Wanted
With increasing commitments Martha Harrold is now having to pass on the organising of the Contact Magazine, and so the December issue will be her final one that she will put together. This means that we are looking for a person, or better still a team of people to take over the magazine. (Could This Be You?) If you are interested or want any more information, please have a word with Martha or contact Pete the Rector, or one of the church wardens. Thank You
- Joint Parish Holy Communion at St Francis Thorpe W...
- Magazine Editor Wanted
- Card Workshop And Demonstration Monday 25th Octobe...
- Book Club Thursday 28th October 7.30pm St Wilfrid'...
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 6th October 12noon to 1.3...
- Mothers' Union 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
- St Wilfrid's Day 10th October Choral Evensong 6pm.
- Coffee evening with Phoenix cards Tuesday 5th Octo...
- Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25th September 9.30am
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs 29 September 10am - 12 noo...
- Invitation
- Parish Lunches
- Open Church and Coffee Morning 11th September 10.0...