Wednesday, 27 December 2017

January Connected

This month the printed version of Connected was produced early in December so that the printing and stapling could be finished before  the Christmas festivities began. The online edition was much more flexible and therefore there is much more in this version this month. In both editions Revd. Pete Watson gives thanks for the results of the Giving in Grace initiative at St Wilfrid’s, whilst Tony Service looks forward to the New Year and Methodism in January. Sheila Newsome asks for help in tracking down Frederick Harrison, and the Brayton Mothers Union sign up Revd. Pete, and eat mince pies. Again.
I’m also very happy to reproduce the Diocese of York article on the excellent Wellbeing CafĂ© that is held each Monday at St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall. Many thanks to the Diocese for their kind permission. There is also a brief article on the re-commissioning of the St Wilfrid’s Ministry Team, and the Autumn/Christmas Fairs are remembered in photographs.

The January Connected can be found here:

and previous editions of Connected here:    

Monday, 4 December 2017

December Connected

The December edition of Connected is available to download.

This month Revd. Glenda urges us to use Advent as preparation for Christmas by sharing with those who find it a struggle to survive. Tony Service looks forward to Christmas and Roger Sowden shares some fantastic pictures of St Wilfrid’s during winter. Charlotte Watson highlights a forthcoming ‘The Voice’ concert in Selby Abbey, whilst Kathryn Pritchard explains about the Operation Christmas Child initiative; a very worthwhile use for the humble shoebox. 

I was sent a load of images of the Saints & Superheroes evening at Brayton Primary School which I am pleased to include this month - it looked like great fun and I rather wish that I had gone along. Mrs Clarke has a go at ‘incorporating as many Songs from the Shows titles in her Mother’s Union piece as possible’, and I report on the St Wilfrid’s Choir as it commences its preparations for Christmas. There is also an online audio file of the Choir’s rendition of Coventry Carol for you to enjoy. 

As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Forthcoming Events - St Wilfrid's Parish Church

Autumn Fair - In Church - Saturday 25th November 10.00am to 1.00pm  do come along and purchase your Christmas presents from the many stalls, or just enjoy a welcome cuppa with yummy cake in the cafe.

Coffeemates - In the Parish Hall - Wednesday 29th November 10.00am - 12noon come along and join us for coffee, cake and a good natter.

Study Morning - St Wilfrid's Parish Hall - 2nd December 10.00 - 12noon Our theme is the crib nativity scene. Glenda

Inspire - 2nd December - St Wilfrid's Parish Hall - 5.00pm Share in an informal relaxed service of worship.

Christingle & Gift Service - 3rd December at 3.00pm in church. Join us in support of the Children's Society.  We combine the service with the collection of gifts to be given to local needy children, if you would like to bring a gift please mark it as suitable for a boy or girl and the age group. The Christingles will be made in Church on Saturday 2nd December at 9.30am - if you can spare an hour or so to help it would be most appreciated. 

Community Lunch -St Wilfrid's Parish Hall - Wednesday 6th December 12noon - 1.30pm Come and enjoy homemade soup and dessert followed by tea/coffee £4

Mother's Union - St Wilfrid's Parish Hall - Thursday 7th December 7.30 our meeting will be a Bring & Share Supper with Christmas Carols and readings.

Craft Group Coffee Morning - St Wilfrid's Parish Hall - 9th December 10.00 - 12noon Coffee,  cake, Christmas themed raffle - a chance to buy handmade Christmas gifts and cards.

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies - Sunday 10th December from 2.30pm - 4.30pm at the home of Pam & Paul Middlebrook. Tickets £5 available from Pat Griffiths.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

November Connected

The November edition of  Connected is available to download In this month’s edition Rev. Pete focuses on Giving in Grace at St Wilfrid’s and our understanding of ‘ownership’ when all of our blessings are gifts to us from God, whilst Charlotte relates the Zone’s exhausting yet exhilarating weekend away at Wydale Hall. Also the MU get their wellies on, Carol Sowden says farewell to Mary & Roger Bramley, and St Wilfrid’s finally win a quiz. No really - they won. Who would have thought it… 
In a more sombre mood Tony Service remembers Richard Moody who has died. Many will remember Richard’s ‘Bygone Days’ articles in the Selby Times and also his numerous presentations in church and village halls throughout the district.
As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Sausages, Saints and Superheroes

Saturday 28th October 4.00pm to 7.00pm at Brayton Primary School Hall.  Family fun, food and active team games for all ages! sausages and juice provided - please bring a pudding!  come as a superhero or saint, if you want.  Tickets £1 per person.  To book a place or more information contact Rev Pete or  Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

October Connected

The October edition of Connected is now available to download. In this month’s edition, we remember Revd David Reynolds whose funeral was held on the 4th September. Many will remember David’s time at St Wilfrid’s with affection and it is with great sadness that we learnt of his passing. On a brighter note Roger Place reminds us all to be grateful for the love that God shows us. We remember the 80 years since the formation of the Brayton Mothers Union by the eating of scones and, following the foody theme, Jill & I relive the consumption of bacon butties at Burn Chapel. Also Kathryn Pritchard shows off her impressive sunflowers, grown from seeds distributed during the St Wilfrid’s Easter Activities, and the imminent arrival of the St Francis 2018 calendar is heralded.

As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Friday, 1 September 2017

September Connected

The September edition of  Connected is now available to download. In this month’s edition, Jackie Jackson remembers her first pair of spectacles, and Charlotte Watson celebrates the return of Junior Church. Margaret & David Gaygan recall Ethel Robinson's contribution to St Francis, and Roger Sowden enjoys a cream tea! Tony Service reports on events within Methodism and changes within the administration of St Wilfrid's is recorded
As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.
If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

August - Connected

The August edition of  Connected is now available to download. In this month’s edition, Revd. David Coote wonders why people chase after things in life that are not good for them, Jean Collins reports on meetings of Messy Church and the WI at St Francis, whilst Helen Brown records the last ‘Open the Book’ of the Summer Term at Barlow School. Tony Service poses a series of thoughtful questions. We also have reports on the Zone’s end of year BBQ (which includes a splendid picture of Revd. Pete Watson in a most fetching apron), the Charity Promise auction at St Francis, and the St Wilfrid’s summer picnic. 
As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.
If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Strawberry Tea Saturday 29th July 2pm - 4.30pm

Strawberry Tea at the home of June and Dave Bryan's 24 Courtneys, Selby.  Please join us for a very enjoyable afternoon, hope the weather will be kind to us and stay fine.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Saturday 30th September Parish Away Day Bridlington

Bridlington... Here we come! Parish Away day for all ages, cost? £10 per adult, £5 per child, and under -5s go free! A relaxed day of fellowship, food and reflection for anyone in the parish - based at Emmanuel Church near the beach.  Depart 9.00am by coach; coffee on arrival; 2 short, relaxed times of reflection/discussion, including some worship; bring your own lunch; free afternoon for the beach or wandering around Bridlington; short time of worship; afternoon tea; depart 4.00pm' home by 5.30pm! For more information contact me o 704707 or at

Saturday, 1 July 2017

July Connected

The July edition of  Connected is now available to download. In this month’s edition Revd. Helen Harrell reflects on the recent terrorist attacks in London and Manchester. Tony Service reports on the 60th Anniversary of Revd. Derek Lund becoming an accredited preacher, whilst Evie Watson chronicles the recent Zone visit to Lightwater Valley in the Zone’s Big Night Out. There is also a report on the St Wilfrid’s Summer Fair and a note on Bloom Greenhough’s 90thbirthday. Don't forget that the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family.

A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see either the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

June Connected

The June edition of Connected is out now. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should (fingers crossed!) load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see either the May or June editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.

Sunday, 28 May 2017


The June Connected is now available to download.  In this months edition we look at the repairs to the St. Wilfrid's access lane, the recent quiz night at St Francis, the Selby Bike Ride, the Brayton Chapel anniversary celebrations, Family History at St Wilfrid's with Sheila Newsome, and David Mitchell gives us the benefit of his gardening tips and more.  Don't forget that the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Church Yard Tidying Saturday 27th May St Wilfrid's Church 9.30am

Come along and help maintain the Church Yard.  Coffee and biscuits provided, but bring tools and your wellies.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

St Wilfrid's Summer Fair 10th June 2.00 to 4.00pm Brayton Village Green

Do come and enjoy all the fun of the Fair on Brayton Village Green. School Choir and Scout Band, various stalls, nearly new toys, cakes, books, cards, crafts, games, tombola, and refreshments in the Primary School etc. Barbara Hind wants toiletries for her stall. If you can help in anyway, or if you have ideas to help in raising funds for the work of the church please have a word with Lis

Monday, 8 May 2017

Mother's Union Deanery Service

The Deanery service will take place at Escrick ChurchThursday 18th May 7.30pm please say if you require a lift.  All welcome to attend.

Coffee Morning Saturday 13th May 10.00 - 12 Noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The Mother's Union will be holding the coffee morning on the 13th May, do come along and enjoy some homemade cakes.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Parish Walk

The parish walk will be on Sunday 14 May at 2.00pm. We will be meeting at Sandy Lane in Skipwith.  This is a friendly walk, so do not expect anything too strenuous!! For more details contact Ian Nutt

Community Lunch Wednesday 3rd May St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Homemade soup and dessert will be served from 12 noon - 1.30pm followed by tea/coffee.  We look forward to seeing you all there.  Pat

Friday, 28 April 2017

Autumn Fair

Sorry folks about the Autumn Fair as this was last years, not sure where this has come from think the computer has a mind of its own!!

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Rectory Lane

The work to repair the lane is definitely starting on Tuesday 2nd May!   The work is expected to take 2 weeks, and during this time there will be no access down the lane except for emergency vehicles.  It would be helpful if those arriving by car would park alongside the A19, but leave disabled bays clear for those who require them.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Parish Quiet Day - Thickett Priory Thorganby

Come to the parish Quiet Day at Thickett Priory, Thorganby on Saturday 29th April 10.00am to 4.00pm.  Whilst there will be some input from me, most of the day will be for personal reflection.  Coffee provided, but bring your own lunch.  For more information contact Pete.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting - 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The Annual Parochial Church meeting. This year it will be held on Tuesday 25th April at 7.30pm all welcome.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Good Friday Reflections 2.00pm St Wilfrid's Church

This year the format of the Good Friday Hour of Reflection will be different.  It will be an opportunity for quiet personal reflection using a series of prayer stations around the church.  It will be more of a "drop in" time, you are welcome to stay for as little or as much of the hour as you would like.  Pete

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Mothers Union St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Mothers Union meet on Thursday 6th April when Barbara will speak on 'The Wave of prayer & Families First'.  All welcome

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Church Yard Tidying Saturday 25 March St Wilfrid's Church

Do join us once again for our church yard tidying up, there are plenty of little jobs that need your help. Tea and coffee will be served.  Please bring your own gardening tools.

Coffeemates - St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

The next brew-up will be on Wednesday 31st May 10.00 - 12noon.  Come along and join us for coffee, cakes, children's corner and book swap.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Bishop John in the Parish

Bishop John will be in the parish.  You are invited to a meeting with Bishop John on Monday 27th March at 7.30pm in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall.  The Bishop really values these opportunities to meet with parishioners, sharing his own vision for the area and hearing ours.
It will be finished by 9.00pm at the latest.  I do hope you can be there.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Churches Together in Selby: Lent Course 2017

15th March at Selby Abbey with Bishop John Thomson
 Come over to macedonia and help us.  Acts 16v.9 Crossing continents with Christ

22nd March at St Richard's, Barwic Parade with Ralph Gill
Crossing the Barriers to Church Unity

29th March at St Wilfrid's, with Pete Watson
Childhood and Adult Spirituality Reconsidered

5th April at The Church at the Crossroads with Ian Haylett
Crossing the Barrier of Disgust: Is it truly possible to hate the sin and love the sinner?

All courses Wednesday at 7.30pm: everyone is welcome

Reminder - Parish Family Ceilidh

Family Ceilidh for all ages with Bring and Share Supper... and a live Ceilidh Band! Saturday 18th March, 4.00 - 7.00pm in Brayton Primary School Hall.  It's free, just bring something for the Bring and Share Supper, and not forgetting your dancing shoes!! please contact me by Monday 13th March if you are coming.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Lent Lunch - St Wilfrid's

Mothers' Union are putting on soup and a hot-crossed bun. 15th March at 12.00noon in the Parish Hall.  Hope to see you there.

Tea@Two St Wilfrid's Thursday 18th May 2.00pm

Tea@Two in the Parish Hall.  Entertainment by Joyce Grenfell and guests! for more information do have a word with Pat.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Coffee Morning 11th March St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Coffee morning 10.00 - 12noon.  Homemade cakes and hand-crafted items for sale provided by St Wilfrid's Craft Group.

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Women's World Day Of Prayer

Women"s World day of Prayer Friday 3rd March at 2.00pm Portholme Church.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25 February 9.30am St Wilfrid's

Gardening resumes after a break of two months, there is a little tidying of borders and cutting back the brambles. If you feel you could spare an hour or two we would love some extra help. Tea and coffee will be served not forgetting biscuits.  Please bring along your own gardening tools.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Parish Family Ceilidh

Parish Family Ceilidh for all ages with Bring & Share Supper ...  and a live Ceilidh Band!
It's time to get on those dancing shoes again and come and join the fun!

When?  Saturday 18th March 4. 00 - 7. 00 pm  Where?  Brayton Primary School Hall Cost?
None, it's free!

Food? Bring and share supper.  Squash will be provided.

For more info or to let me know you're coming please contact me, Rev Pete Watson 704707
email by Monday 13th March.

Really hope you can make it!

Monday, 9 January 2017

Candlemass Celebration at St Wilfrid's Church Brayton.

To celebrate your baptism at St Wilfrid's you are invited to a short Candlemass Celebration at 3.00pm on Sunday 29th January followed by cakes, cookies and children's entertainer in the Parish Hall.
Please bring your family and Godparents and your baptism candle.
