Tuesday, 3 October 2017

October Connected

The October edition of Connected is now available to download. In this month’s edition, we remember Revd David Reynolds whose funeral was held on the 4th September. Many will remember David’s time at St Wilfrid’s with affection and it is with great sadness that we learnt of his passing. On a brighter note Roger Place reminds us all to be grateful for the love that God shows us. We remember the 80 years since the formation of the Brayton Mothers Union by the eating of scones and, following the foody theme, Jill & I relive the consumption of bacon butties at Burn Chapel. Also Kathryn Pritchard shows off her impressive sunflowers, grown from seeds distributed during the St Wilfrid’s Easter Activities, and the imminent arrival of the St Francis 2018 calendar is heralded.

As always the on-line version is free to download, and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Details of subscribing to the print version, should you prefer a printed copy, can be found in the on-line magazine on page 3. A direct link to the magazine is included below for your convenience. Click on the link and it should load the magazine directly.

If you would like to see the earlier editions they can be found on the Connected page of the St Wilfrid's website. A link to this page is included below.
