Monday, 31 December 2018

Happy New Year Everyone! The January Connected is available to download!

This month Revd. Roy Shaw wishes us more than Happy New Year – happiness, of course but also justice, peace, harmony, and opportunities for our potential to be released. Amen to that. Tony Service provides an update on the Methodist Circuit in Selby, and notes the importance of the affirmation contained within the Covenant Service. Irene Pope comments on the Blue Christmas period of reflection held in St Wilfrid’s and Jill Clarke reports on the Brayton Mothers Union meeting held earlier in the month. There is also a note from Dave Mitchell on clematis and dogwoods in the garden, and for those with an eye to detail I recommend looking out for the dogwood near to the Parish Hall - which look splendid at this time of year.
The remainder of the magazine was written by me; for which I apologize profusely! My usual contributors were busy eating mince pies this month…

The January Connected can be download here

and previous editions of Connected can be found here

Sunday, 25 November 2018

The December Connected is available to download!

This month Revd. Philip MacDonald says ‘Hello’ and savours the season of Advent, whilst Tony Service looks forward to the Methodist Services over Christmas whilst remembering their Armistice Day Remembrance Sunday.

Revd. Pete Watson says thanks for the contribution of Revd. Glenda Webb who has now left St Wilfrid’s for pastures new. Yvonne Green & Richard Whitehouse thank the Connected staplers, and Revd. Pete welcomes Iain Nutt to the Ministry Team and Claire Hodgson embarks on Reader Training.
Pat Ainger & Lynn Allan invite us to their respective Christingle Services, and the Mothers Union feast their eyes on Gill Guilliatt’s wonderful creative icing, whilst Revd. Pete updates us on the St Wilfrid’s Church into Growth initiative.

Finally I report on the St Wilfrid’s Remembrance Day Service, and the recent Wine & Wisdom Quiz which was won by my team. Just saying…

The December Connected can be download here

and previous editions of Connected can be found here

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Christmas Baubles

St Wilfrid's Christmas baubles are now on sale £4.50 each, available from the Autumn Fair or from Claire and Iain the churchwardens.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Big Band Night 10th November

Ticket sales for the Big Band Night were very disappointing and we have had to cancel the event.

Craft Group Coffee Morning 10th November 10.00 - 12noon Parish Hall

Come and enjoy tea/coffee, cakes, hand crafted bargains, pickles and jam. All welcome.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

The November Connected is available to download!

This month Revd. Pete Watson asks God to make us his fisherfolk, with patience, perseverance, courage, and with a good sense of timing, and Tony Service remembers Edith Stell and Revd. Linda Day, both of whom passed away recently. St Francis celebrated its 40th Anniversary - many happy returns to them - and the St Wilfrid’s Choir ate fish & chips (and a sausage) in Durham. The Zone did  some stuff, and... well you can read it all by downloading the file below!
The November Connected can be download here
and previous editions of Connected can be found here

Friday, 26 October 2018

Parish Memorial Service 4th November 3.00pm St Wilfrid's Church

During the Memorial Service the names of those in the Parish who have passed away will be read out.  If you wish to add the name of a loved one there is a list at the back of Church.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Community Lunch Wednesday 7th November St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Enjoy good company plus homemade soup and dessert followed by Tea/coffee £4 from 12Noon - 1.30pm

Monday, 15 October 2018

Churchwarden's Big Band Night 10th November

A reminder that the Allsortz Swing Band is to feature in the Big Band Night on the 10th November at Brayton Community Centre from 7.00pm - 11.00pm Tickets £15 on sale now.  All proceeds will be going towards the repair of St Wilfrid's Tower.

Tickets can be purchased on line:-

Coffee mates 31st October 10.00am - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Why not come along and join us for good company, tea or coffee, and home made cakes.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Wine and Wisdom Quiz Saturday 17th November 7.00pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall

Tickets are now on sale for the Wine and Wisdom Quiz £7 supper included available from Pat Griffiths

Farewell Service for Glenda 28th October 10.30am St Wilfrid"s Parish Church

There will be no 8am service at St Wilfrid"s on the morning of the 28th October,  you are all invited along with parishioners from St Francis and Brayton Methodist church to share in the thanksgiving and farewell service for Glenda.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Harvest Evensong 14th October 6.00pm St Wilfrid"s Parish Church

Come along and hear the beautiful cadences of this traditional service.

Craft Group Coffee Morning 10.00am - 12noon 13th October St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Coffee and cakes will be served from 10.00am along with the opportunity to shop early for Christmas, including the Martin House Christmas Cards,

Mothers Union Thursday 11th October St Wilfrid"s Parish Hall

Our October meeting, we shall have some practical activities and a chance to discuss our future programme.  New members are warmly welcome.

Saturday, 6 October 2018


Hello All
Do join us for some relaxed fellowship and informal worship this Sunday 5-6pm in the parish hall, it would be lovely to see you there.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

The October Connected is available to download!
October, it seems, is a month to celebrate birthdays - St Francis’ Church is getting ready for its 40th birthday, whilst the St Wilfrid’s Wellbeing Cafe is sweeping up after hosting its 1st birthday party. And St Francis’ day falls on the 4th October. So that’s a lot of cake, cards, balloons and parties to get through!
Revd. Rodger Place takes the Dear Friends slot this month, and reminds us that God is much to big to be confined to the church building on a Sunday, and reminds us that the building is merely a convenient meeting place for followers of Jesus. Revd. Pete Watson reflects on the upcoming Harvest Festivals and the choices that we can all make to ensure that we fulfil God’s call to be truly alive and energized by His love and purpose.
Tony Service looks forward to October within the Methodist Circuit and notes that, although an Ordinary month, it has it’s moments.  I report on penguins (well hoarding really...) and the magnificent work of Junior Church in the area of Toilet Twinning. There is also a report of the moving blessing of the Memorial Stone that took place on Thorpe Willoughby Village Green recently. And Barbara Richardson reports on the work of the Stroke Unit in York & District Hospital
The October Connected can be found here.

Previous editions of Connected can be found here.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018


A reminder that the Inspire! Service moves to Sunday Evening from 2nd September. Come along and share in an informal relaxed service of worship from 5:00pm in St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall. We usually commence with chat and nibbles, followed by songs and prayer. Sometimes it is interactive worship with lots of activities, and sometimes reflective. But it is always different each month.
Led by Revd. Pete or Claire, it is on a different day but if will follow the same format. Come along and be inspired! Iain

The September 2018 edition of Connected is now available to download!


Well that’s the summer over. Put away the buckets & spades, picnic baskets and sun hats. Best seek out the woolly jumpers, coats, gloves and scarves. It’s autumn again!
In Connected this month Joy Piper reviews the adoption of Christianity by Emperor Constantine and the fusion of Church and State and recommends a return to the single-minded message of the early believers. Cliff Brook, via Tony Service, bids farewell to Revd. David and Lesley Coote who have retired to Scarborough, and looks forward to the arrival of Revd. Philip Macdonald from Newark (coincidently my birthplace and home for the first 18 years of my time on this planet). I report on modern slavery and Revd. Glenda Webb reminds us to keep looking down. I also remember a fantastic cream tea in the garden of June and David Bryan.
Barbara Richardson remembers the cake, cider and tea at Ampleforth which was greatly enjoyed by the MU. They also discovered an Abbey on the site! Who knew! Finally I report on my second Fashion Show of the summer (indeed of my entire life!) as St Wilfrid’s strutted its stuff in the Selby M&Co store.

The September Connected can be found here.

Previous editions of Connected here.

Friday, 27 July 2018

The August 2018 edition of Connected is now available to download!


July (the magazine was of course written in July...) is usually the month where the schools breakup, leading to many families rushing away on holiday. However the Parish has been particularly busy this year for some reason…

Continuing with the vacation theme; guest contributor, Revd. Paul Hardingham contemplates a holiday with Jesus, and I continue with the review of services available at St Wilfrid’s and St Francis, by commenting on Lay-led Morning Prayer.

The St Wilfrid’s Junior Church has been sharing in their good fortune by twinning the toilets in the Parish Hall with others in poorer countries, and the Rector, and others, has continued with his love of all things bouncy by taking part in the Kapow! Challenge.

Tony Service reports on comings and goings in the Methodist Circuit – I suspect that I may be rewriting the Methodist & St Francis Clergy lists next month! At St Francis the usual round of coffee mornings has been supplemented by a Beetle Drive and Fashion Show both of which were great fun and raised money for the church funds. Gordon Tute remembers Trevor Maurice, St Wilfrid’s stalwart and choir member, who has sadly died, whilst Claire Hodgson and Iain Nutt report on the parlous state of the tower and spire at St Wilfrid’s.

The August Connected can be found here.

Previous editions of Connected here.

Friday, 6 July 2018

St Wilfrid's Parish Picnic will be held in the Rectory Garden between 1:00pm and 4:00pm this Sunday 8th July. Why not come along and enjoy the games and great company! There will be a scavenger hunt with a prize for the best scavenge!

Bring own food & something to drink, and something to sit and/or snooze on. Also remember the factor 50 sun-cream cos its bound to be a fantastic sunny day!

Note that the venue has had to be changed because the Village Green is currently out of action.

See you there!

Sunday, 1 July 2018

The July Connected is now available!

In this edition Revd. Pete Watson continues our review of the different Services available at St Wilfrid’s by looking at the background and purpose of the Celtic Communion; the freshness, beauty and poetry to the Celtic style liturgies that can engender a rediscovery of old truths, and renew our wonder in the worship of God. Barbara Richardson remembers Marion Baillie who has sadly died, and Tony Service reports on the latest Methodist News. I report on the St Wilfrid’s Summer Fair that took place in glorious weather on Brayton Village Green. We also look forward to the St Wilfrid’s Fashion event to be held at M&Co in Selby, and coincidently St Francis also look forward to their Fashion Event to be held on 17th July in Church. The Brayton MU remembers its Summer Of Hope Appeal, and Lynn Allen makes a plea for used postcards.

The Goole based Home-Start team outline their services ahead of their move into the Selby area. And we pretend that Churchyard Tidying is a form of Mindfulness, which of course it is…

The July Connected can be found here.

Previous editions of Connected here.

Note that the St Wilfrid’s Picnic will be held on Sunday 8th July,
not the 9th July as stated on page 13. Sorry!

Saturday, 16 June 2018

St Wilfrid's Summer Fair

The 2018 St Wilfrid's Summer Fair will be held next Saturday, 23rd June, on Brayton Village Green from 2:00-4:00pm.
Come along and experience the fantastic stalls including books, plants, tombola, nearly new toys, the ever popular café & refreshments, and entertainments. Sunny warm weather has been pre-booked* and the England v Panama world cup game moved to the Sunday at great expense to avoid any clash with the Fair!
There will be a short fun Service at the close of the Fair.
See you there!

(* probably... The Fair will be held in the Primary School in the unlikely event that the weather is unkind to us.)

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

June Connected

In the June Connected Revd. Peter Barnett looks at the increasing levels of turmoil in the world, and Tony Service reports on Methodist News and remembers Ann Wilson who has sadly died.

I report on a recent Family Service at St Wilfrid’s, and consider the role of Children in Church today. Thorpe WI looks forward to celebrating 10 years in existence; and St Wilfrid’s has its collective fingers crossed for the 23rd June when it hosts the 2018 Summer Fair. The Brayton MU remembers its Wave of Prayer, and also long serving member Marion Baillie who died suddenly in May.

Finally the St Wilfrid’s Parish walk at St Aidan’s RSPB reserve is remembered, and in the online edition we welcome the return of David Michell’s gardening page.

The June Connected can be found here.

Previous editions of Connected here.

Monday, 30 April 2018

May Connected

The May edition of Connected is available to download or view online. In this edition Revd. Pete Watson looks back over the past year at St Wilfrid’s in the light of John 1:43-51 to reflect on the mission and ministry in the Parish, to look forward to the year ahead.

Tony Service ponders the month of May, whilst the Brayton Mothers Union remembers Tea and Cake in the Bar Convent in York. Gill Guilliat reports on her successful sugarcraft classes held in the St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall every month. It is events such as these, often hidden within the warp and weft of everyday life that help bind society together.

Claire Hodgson reports on the forthcoming Mental Health Awareness Week (14th to 20th May) and also shares the outcomes of the Leading Your Church into Growth conference held earlier this year. No doubt this will feature again on these pages in the near future. I report on the St Francis Easter Fair, which was great fun, and also some of the Easter Activities that I managed to attend at St Wilfrid’s.

Finally Revd. Pete recalls the life of Edith Wraithmell (nee Holmes) who had an association with St Wilfrid’s stretching back 103 years. Amazing.

The May Connected can be found here.

Previous editions of Connected here.

Monday, 26 March 2018

St Wilfrid's Family Easter Fun 10.00am - 12noon Friday 30th March

Come along and join us for a morning of Easter crafts and activities.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

March Connected

The March edition of Connected is available to download or view online. This month, Revd. Glenda reflects on Lent and the plight of lonely people in our society, whilst Tony Service looks forward to the Churches Together Lent meetings. We also remember the life of Pete Beevers who sadly died recently.

There are reports from a recent Brayton MU meeting, and I finally find space to rabbit on about the St Wilfrid’s Churchyard. Also the recent Burns Night Supper is (partially) remembered, the Book Club celebrates 10 years, and St Francis finds itself on BBC Radio York...
Finally there is a report on the Baptism and Confirmations administered by Bishop John during Holy Communion at St Wilfrid’s. 

The March Connected can be found here:

and previous editions of Connected here:

Saturday, 27 January 2018

February Connected

The February edition of Connected is available to download or view online. David Coote reflects on the importance of the cross to the period of Lent. There are some thoughts on the link between Lent and Valentine’s Day from Tony Service, plus opposing views on the importance of diet to Lent. The Brayton MU remembers their AGM whilst the St Francis Crafters celebrate a splendid fund raising achievement during 2017.

We also have some images of the St Wilfrid’s Decorators taking down the decorations on 12th Night. The Zone remembers chips at Doncaster Dome Ice Rink, and I report on the excellent concert given by the Voice Youth Choir and Orchestra in Selby Abbey.

The Giving in Grace Team say thank you, and Selby Foodbank looks ahead with some concern over the introduction of Universal Credit in Selby District.

The February Connected can be found here:

and previous editions of Connected here:   

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Choral Evensong 28th January 6.00pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church

Come along and enjoy the beautiful cadences of this lovely service.

Candlemas Celebration 28th January 3.00pm St Wilfrid's Church

Invitations have been sent to those who have recently been baptised in our churches, but everyone is very welcome to join the celebration! The short service will be followed by refreshments in the parish hall.
