The July Connected is now available!

In this edition Revd. Pete Watson continues our review of
the different Services available at St Wilfrid’s by looking at the background
and purpose of the Celtic Communion; the freshness, beauty and poetry to the
Celtic style liturgies that can engender a rediscovery of old truths, and renew
our wonder in the worship of God. Barbara Richardson remembers Marion Baillie who has sadly
died, and Tony Service reports on the latest Methodist News. I report on the St
Wilfrid’s Summer Fair that took place in glorious weather on Brayton Village
Green. We also look forward to the St Wilfrid’s Fashion event to be held at
M&Co in Selby, and coincidently St Francis also look forward to their
Fashion Event to be held on 17th July in Church. The Brayton MU remembers its
Summer Of Hope Appeal, and Lynn Allen makes a plea for used postcards.
The Goole based Home-Start team outline their services ahead
of their move into the Selby area. And we pretend that Churchyard Tidying is a
form of Mindfulness, which of course it is…