The August 2018 edition of Connected is now available to download!
July (the magazine was of course written in July...) is usually the month where the schools breakup, leading to many families rushing away on holiday. However the Parish has been particularly busy this year for some reason…
Continuing with the vacation theme; guest contributor, Revd. Paul Hardingham contemplates a holiday with
Jesus, and I continue with the review of services available at St Wilfrid’s and
St Francis, by commenting on Lay-led Morning Prayer.
The St Wilfrid’s Junior Church has been sharing in their good fortune by
twinning the toilets in the Parish Hall with others in poorer countries, and
the Rector, and others, has continued with his love of all things bouncy by
taking part in the Kapow! Challenge.
Tony Service reports on comings and goings in the Methodist Circuit – I
suspect that I may be rewriting the Methodist & St Francis Clergy lists
next month! At St Francis the usual round of coffee mornings has been
supplemented by a Beetle Drive and Fashion Show both of which were great fun
and raised money for the church funds. Gordon Tute remembers Trevor Maurice, St
Wilfrid’s stalwart and choir member, who has sadly died, whilst Claire Hodgson
and Iain Nutt report on the parlous state of the tower and spire at St Wilfrid’s.
The August Connected can be found here.
The August Connected can be found here.