Thursday, 4 April 2019

The April edition of Connected is available to download!

This month Revd. Philip MacDonald links the story of Doubting Thomas to Brexit, and Tony Service looks forward to the Methodist Easter Services and the Christian Aid Walk of Reflection along the Wolds Way.
Cathy Rodgers records how Junior Church has been learning to trust in God, and Revd. Roy Shaw entertains the Mothers’ Union with tales of Kenya as well as modelling some fetching African shirts in the process!
Martin Pearson & Tracey Copestake look forward to their ceramic exhibition at St Wilfrid’s on 18th May, and Gordon Tute records the concert given by the Featherstone Male Voice Choir at St Wilfrid’s; a fantastic event by the sound of it.
There are also knitting patterns to try and material flames to cut out for the Pentecost Banner.And finally I report on the Pancake Evening at St Wilf’s that I didn’t attend, and also the Bingo Night that I did.

The April Connected may be viewed here
Earlier editions of Connected may be found here
