This month the marriage of Claire and Iain, Church Wardens at St Wilfrid’s, features large and illustrates Revd. Pete’s Dear Friend’s article. Also this month Tony Service updates us on matters Methodist including lavatorial matters in relation to Harvest. Tony notes that they are having a Loo Lunch! Nice!
Sadly we must bid farewell to Val Millward who has died. Selby Abbey was full to bursting on a beautiful sunny day for the Service; Summer Fairs, in which Val played a part in organising and cajoling folks, will never be the same.
The Mothers’ Union page includes another picture of a dog – this time to illustrate a talk on Guide Dogs for the Blind. Also Revd. Tony Horsfall encourages us to look at our blessings and to focus on what has gone right in this time of Harvest.
Finally, in a desperate bid to fill these pages, I report on the forthcoming St Wilfrid’s Fashion Show, and a Church of England initiative to support poor communities through their Sports Ministry Project. And last of all I have downloaded a tinterweb review of the St Wilf’s parish Lunch. It’s all true I tell thee!
The October Connected may be viewed here
Earlier editions of Connected may be found here