This month in Connected we focus on the success of the St Wilfrid’s Flower Festival that was held over the weekend of the 27th to 29th September. It was a wonderful collaboration between many people within, and without, the Parish, and the success of the occasion is a tribute to those who took part.
Revd. Rodger Place takes the reins in the Dear Friends piece and looks at the manufacture of Remembrance Day poppies and the sacrifices made by those who took up arms in conflicts over the past 100 years or so.
There is a report from Revd. Pete Watson on the joint parish communion held in St Francis during which Kate Robson and Jane Hayes were confirmed. Congratulations to Kate and Jane. Tony Service looks back at Harvest and also highlights a historic collection of Methodist membership tickets.
There is a report on the latest fashions displayed recently at St Francis’ from Lucille Carter, and Mrs Clarke poses with an iron. The 2019 Giving in Grace is launched at St Wilfrid’s and the Mothers’ Union recalls an excellent talk by Jill Hall on the history of embroidery.
Finally I fill half a page with some nonsense about teenagers and cats…
The November Connected may be viewed here
Earlier editions of Connected may be found here