Saturday, 28 March 2020

St Wilfrid's Livestream 29th March 2020 @ 10:30am

Dear all

I’m looking forward to sharing with you in our first livestream service this Sunday at 10.30am!


The link to the livestream is available here

You can you can follow the service by printing off the service booklet, Holy Communion Order 1 Booklet, available from my email earlier this week or you can download it here

You may want to have a candle ready, so that as I light the candle here at the beginning of the service, you can too in your own home, a sign of our unity in Christ.

Love and peace

Revd. Pete

Friday, 27 March 2020

The April 2020 edition of Connected is available to download!

What a strange world we live in. How is it that an isolated incidence of poor animal hygiene can lead to the collapse of major businesses, including airlines, and place most of the world in virtual house arrest?
No services this month and the Directory is missing because no events are now planned. Even Churchyard Tidying is cancelled... But we welcome with open arms Revd. Christine Gillespie’s Dear Friends article. And Mr Reliable, Tony Service, apprises us about services and events (real and now cancelled!) on the Methodist Circuit including Nancy Hare’s 100th Birthday. Happy Birthday Nancy!
Hilary Putman reports on the Soroptimist International’s quiz that was held in Eggborough Village Hall, and Jan Tetley brings together the tributes paid to the lovely Kath Schofield who died sadly in February.
Finally I report on Breakfast with Bishops, the Revd. Roy Shaw’s excellent work in the St Dorcas Orphanage in Kenya, Jumble Sales and Rubber Ducks.

The April Connected may be viewed here

Earlier editions of Connected may be found here

Please note that most of the paper copies will not be available this month because of problems with delivery. If you would like a paper copy please let me know, and I’ll let you have once we are allowed out again. John

Church Times

The Church Times dated Friday 27th March 2020 has two sides of A4 prayers and reflections for the current situation, and it can be downloaded free from 
This is to be updated each week 'for the foreseeable future' so it will be worth checking back with them once a week or so

Revd. Roy Shaw

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Worship at Home

Hello everyone!

We are delighted to invite you to join in worship and fellowship at home during these challenging times.

We have produced six Worship resources, designed by the National Church and other organisations, for use at home whilst in isolation. 

There are also four Orders of Services that you can read on screen, or print off, to use when accessing our live Sunday 10.30am services on YouTube from this Sunday 29th March.

Click any of the file names to open the documents in a new window.

Worship Resources

Orders of Services 

We intend to publish further information about worship resources for use during Holy Week and Easter in due course.

YouTube Sunday Worship

A Parish YouTube account has been set up to enable us to lead a live act of worship every Sunday Morning at 10.30am. These will be the same kinds of services people are familiar with e.g. Holy Communion, Celtic Communion, Morning Prayer and Family Communion. They will loosely follow the service form in St Wilfrids and St Francis. The monthly pattern of Services we hope to follow will be:

1st Sunday: Morning Prayer

2nd Sunday: Family Communion

3rd Sunday: Celtic Communion

4th Sunday: Common Worship Communion

These services, which will be live, will be led by Claire Nutt for Morning Prayer, whilst Rev Hannah Suekarran, Rev Rob Suekarran and Rev Pete Watson will take the other three services on a rota system.

To access this live Sunday morning worship follow the link above. Videos should appear at 10:30am on Sundays.

You might care to print off the Sunday Service sheets if you want to join in the services, if you can access a different device, then you can follow the service on screen.

During midweek Rev Rob, Rev Hannah and Rev Pete will record shorter worship/reflection/family focussed videos that will be uploaded to the YouTube account for you to access.

Children and Families. There will also be a weekly Family Focus Worship Activity Pack for use at home; this will be emailed to families on our contacts list, and also posted online.

Information may be found at the Parish Website, or at our FaceBook page,

We ask for your patience as we get up to speed on some of this. Certainly, it will be steep technological learning curve for some – particularly me!


Rev. Pete

Wednesday, 25 March 2020


Making Holy Week special in a time of uncertainty, when our churches are closed.

You might want to engage with a ‘Retreat in Daily Life’ as a way of marking Holy Week when then normal pattern of church services is denied us. 
Here is an invitation to join in a Retreat in Daily Life by 
·      skype, 
·      facetime 
·      or phone. 
This involves the retreatant committing to the following from Monday 6th   to Friday 10thApril: 
·At least 30 minutes of prayer each day with suggested ideas,
 ·Keeping a note of what comes out of that prayer time (even if it is ‘nothing!’), 
·And chatting to the Retreat Facilitator, in confidence, for up to 20 minutes each day, about the experience of prayer. 
·      And a brief e-conversation on Palm Sunday (April 5th), to set the scene.

If you would like to make this retreat, this journey, as you live each day at home in Holy Week, please contact Rev. Roy Shaw, the Facilitator, either via 01757 212360, or via
May God bless us all as we journey with Jesus through this, the most important week of the Christian year. 

Sunday, 22 March 2020


As a result of the Coronavirus, all of our regular church worship, and meetings in the Parish Hall, have been suspended.

If you find yourself isolated at home during this period and would like to have someone to chat with on the phone, please contact us via:

  • The Parish Website:
  • Facebook:
  • If you live in Brayton or Burn, email Rev Pete: or Tel: 01757 704707
  • If you live in Thorpe Willoughby email Rev Christine Gillespie: or Tel: 01977 682695

If you need help with collecting prescriptions and medication, the Parish Volunteer Team will do our best to help.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Mothering Sunday Worship

Please check the Parish Website and Facebook pages for updated information regarding Church Services.  Access this Sunday’s special national worship initiative. 

Please follow the links below.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Parish Services w/c 16th March 2020

Services available in the Parish over the next week. See the list below! We look forward to seeing you at St Francis or St Wilfrid's!

St Francis

Thursday 19th
10:00am Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd
10:30am Lay-led Morning Worship

St Wilfrid’s

Wednesday 18th 
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd
8:00am Holy Communion
10:30am Holy Communion with Prayer and Anointing for Healing

Friday, 13 March 2020

St Wilfrid's Craft Group Coffee Morning

Following the issue of guidelines by the Church of England to prevent the spread of th Coronavirus it has been necessary to cancel the Coffee Morning to be held in the parish hall on Saturday 14th March 2020. 
We apologize for this cancellation.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Coronavirus, Communion and the Peace...

In the light of the developing Coronavirus situation there will no longer be congregational use of the chalice in Church of England communion services at St Wilfrid’s and St Francis on Sundays and mid-week. This will take place with immediate effect. Communion will be “in one kind” i.e. wafer only. Priests will consecrate a small amount of wine which they alone will consume. The use of the chalice (the Common Cup) in this way as part of the Communion service means it will retain its important role as a symbol of unity.

During Methodist services a similar sign of unity is found in the whole loaf which is broken and shared. As the wine is served in individual glasses this practise will continue as usual.

We would also ask worshippers to refrain from handshaking, hugging and kissing during the sharing of the Peace. By all means move around the church if you would like to, but please use non-contact gestures such as hands together in a prayerful posture or a simple open hands gesture instead. This will continue to make sharing of the Peace a meaningful part of the service.

Thank you

Pete Watson and Christine Gillespie
