Thursday, 26 March 2020

Worship at Home

Hello everyone!

We are delighted to invite you to join in worship and fellowship at home during these challenging times.

We have produced six Worship resources, designed by the National Church and other organisations, for use at home whilst in isolation. 

There are also four Orders of Services that you can read on screen, or print off, to use when accessing our live Sunday 10.30am services on YouTube from this Sunday 29th March.

Click any of the file names to open the documents in a new window.

Worship Resources

Orders of Services 

We intend to publish further information about worship resources for use during Holy Week and Easter in due course.

YouTube Sunday Worship

A Parish YouTube account has been set up to enable us to lead a live act of worship every Sunday Morning at 10.30am. These will be the same kinds of services people are familiar with e.g. Holy Communion, Celtic Communion, Morning Prayer and Family Communion. They will loosely follow the service form in St Wilfrids and St Francis. The monthly pattern of Services we hope to follow will be:

1st Sunday: Morning Prayer

2nd Sunday: Family Communion

3rd Sunday: Celtic Communion

4th Sunday: Common Worship Communion

These services, which will be live, will be led by Claire Nutt for Morning Prayer, whilst Rev Hannah Suekarran, Rev Rob Suekarran and Rev Pete Watson will take the other three services on a rota system.

To access this live Sunday morning worship follow the link above. Videos should appear at 10:30am on Sundays.

You might care to print off the Sunday Service sheets if you want to join in the services, if you can access a different device, then you can follow the service on screen.

During midweek Rev Rob, Rev Hannah and Rev Pete will record shorter worship/reflection/family focussed videos that will be uploaded to the YouTube account for you to access.

Children and Families. There will also be a weekly Family Focus Worship Activity Pack for use at home; this will be emailed to families on our contacts list, and also posted online.

Information may be found at the Parish Website, or at our FaceBook page,

We ask for your patience as we get up to speed on some of this. Certainly, it will be steep technological learning curve for some – particularly me!


Rev. Pete
