There isn’t
much to report this month – not a lot happened during April, and little is
planned for May. Personally I’ve been catching up on DIY and reading…
Directory is missing again because no events are now planned (Even Churchyard
Tidying is cancelled...) But we welcome Revd. Pete’s Dear Friends article about connectedness. And Tony Service apprises us about how the
virus has had an impact on the Methodist Circuit. Tony has helpfully given me
some texts on the modern age and shares a hymn that reflects on the isolation
that many will be feeling just now.
Mike Bunn
appears to be sitting out the lock down in the garden – fortified with the odd
beer we hope – which has led to some reflections on how the wildlife is making
itself known during the lockdown. Good work Mike!
Revd. Roy
Shaw reports on the deteriorating situation in Kenya. The problems with the locusts are increasing,
leading to a sharp rise in food prices. Further the country is now in lock
down. Please remember St Dorcas in your prayers and donate to the charity via
Revd. Roy if you are able.
I received a
lovely letter from Sheila and John Noble thanking the St Wilfrid’s Parish
volunteers for their help in getting in the shopping and being a friendly voice
on the telephone. In a similar vein I have included some articles from Parish
Pump on the subject of kindness.
Finally I report on the WHO ‘Year of the Nurse’ celebrations to
commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. How
appropriate that this has occurred whilst we are all relying on the NHS more
than ever?
The May Connected may be viewed here
Earlier editions of Connected may be found here
Please note that most of the paper copies will not be
available this month because of problems with delivery. If you would like a
paper copy please let me know, and I’ll let you have once we are allowed out
again. John