Friday, 19 June 2020

Faraday Institute Summer Course June 2020

Hi folks

Please see below. Some of you will know that I am really passionate about the dialogue between Science and Faith, and that unlike the prevailing and damaging message out there, actually Science and Faith are not in conflict, but are, in reality, great conversation partners!  So, I am really excited about this free series of webinars.  Please check it out, and register if you can!  I am sure some of the science will go over my head, but it should be very interesting nevertheless. I think for a lot of men, the issue of science and faith being in conflict is a very real one, so I’m hoping you will find these webinars really helpful for your own thinking through the issues.

Revd. Pete

Dear all,

The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion will be hosting a free, online summer course:

Telling a better story – why Faith and Science belong together

Faraday Institute Summer Course June 2020

Faith and science are often seen as uncomfortable bed-fellows. However, this has not always been so. In this series of webinars we examine the ways in which Faith and Science speak to each other in contemporary society and explore the theological and ethical issues which this dialogue raises. We aim to show that there is a better story to be told about faith and science than the prevalent one of conflict and mutual distrust.

Each day, from Monday 29th June to Friday to 3rd July we shall be hosting two or three webinars each day given by an array of international speakers highly qualified in their individual fields. There will also be some opportunity for on-line discussion.

It is completely free to attend and open to anyone, anywhere, who is interested. You are free to join us for as much or as little of our programme as you wish. For more information, see

Many thanks,

