Hello all
I am very sorry to let you know that from Thursday 5th November, with the exception of funerals, we will not be permitted to hold services in our church buildings until the end of this 2nd lockdown on 2nd December.
Whilst this has been a possibility for some time, it is, nevertheless, still a real disappointment. Obviously, we’ll keep you informed as and when the situation changes.
In the meantime, please do continue to make use of the opportunities to worship as a parish on Sundays at 10.30am on YouTube (www.BraytonParishSelby), and Zoom Morning Prayer with & Catch up on Wednesdays at 9.30am.
Alive@5 begins again today at 5pm by Zoom after a 7 months hiatus due to the pandemic. Friday Fun Club and Youth provision continues by zoom. Pete in Touch also continues weekly on YouTube.
God surround you and fill you with the blessing of his peace.