This month Revd. Rodger Place shares a poem by Arnold Kellett and implores us not to leave Christ out of Christmas.
Tony Service writes about all matters Methodist, and includes a piece about the annual Bridge Walk which this year involved structures in the Selby area.
This month we say hello to Pat Jarvis who has been appointed as Churchwarden at St Wilfrid’s (no doubt from a host of applicants) and we mark the soon-to-end period of Revd. Hannah Suekarran’s term as Assistant Curate, also at St Wilfrid’s. We wish them both good wishes for the future.
Karl Jarvis provides a helpful update in the hopefully soon reopening of the Parish Hall. The Churchyard Tidying Team are with you on this one Karl!
Finally there is news of the St Wilfrid’s Advent Calendar Window Trail that is being organised for the month of December, and I update everyone on the sale of goods by the St Francis & St Wilfrid’s Crafty Folks.
The December Connected may be viewed or downloaded here
Earlier copies of Connected are available here