Saturday, 28 August 2021

The September Connected is available to download!


This month Revd. Pete Watson considers facing the challenge and discomfort of change as a blessing and a sign of God’s love for us. Whilst the Ven. Revd. John Barton encourages us not to hide and allow God’s love through Jesus to find us.
Derek Cooper of the Friends of Brayton Barff this month records his joy that nuthatches have found a home on the Barff; something to look out for the next time we take a stroll through the trees.
There are signs that the Parish is returning to some sort of normality; Lynn Allan reports on the Mothers Union afternoon tea that was held one gloriously sunny afternoon in August, and I witter on about the return of the Craft Group Coffee Morning.
I have also included a short text on the Lords Prayer, with a page of colouring in for readers of all ages :)


The September Connected is available to download here

And earlier copies of Connected here 

