Dear all
As you know this will be our first live stream from St Wilfrid’s! You will be able to access the service in the same way you have been accessing the services from my study, by searching clicking on this link
or seaching for braytonparishselby on Youtube.
aren’t anticipating any problems, but as with all new ventures, there
will almost certainly be the need for some tweaking in the next few
weeks. So, please do bear with us!
to say that as this is a Family Communion Service, the screen will be
used in church projecting orders of service slides. Unfortunately, the
logistics mean that those of you joining us on line will not be able to
see the screen. However, the only times this might be an issue will be
when there are slides used that are in addition to what you already
have in your order of service. Those leading the service are aware of
this, and will reference the screen as and when necessary, so you are
not left in the dark! You may also download the order of service with this link.
Finally, a huge thank you, especially to Alastair Taylor, for coordinating and setting up our live streaming system, also to Pat Jarvis, Rev Rob Suekarran and all those who have agreed to help. Thank you!!
Revd. Pete