Monday 6 June 2022

The June Connected is Available to Download!

This month we welcome the return of the Spring Fair to St Wilfrid’s. What a great day that was, sunny, warm and the churchyard was full of people! Great work everyone.

Revd. Roy Shaw writes the dear friends article and looks at the subject of Christian Grace.

Evie and Molly Watson report from West Africa on their fabulous work in Gambia supplying safe, clean water to the mouths of children and their families as part of the Amor Europe pure water filter initiative.

And Jill Clarke reports on Open the Book at Barlow school.

The June Connected may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid's or St Francis A Church Near You (ACNY) websites. The St Wilfrid's ACNY site may be found here

Alternatively Connected may be downloaded from the St Wilfrid's webpage here and earlier copies here

