Friday, 12 February 2021

Swaziland Schools Zoom Presentation 2nd March 2021

Hello all

Many of you will know that here at St Wilfrid’s, Brayton, for many years we’ve financially supported a school charity working in Swaziland in southern Africa. So, I am delighted that Keith Fossey, who represents the charity in the UK, will be giving a presentation to us by zoom on Tuesday 2nd March at 7.30pm. The presentation, including an opportunity for questions, will take about an hour.

I will send a zoom invitation out by email the day before.

We are planning on recording the presentation and uploading it to the parish website and YouTube account.  All those in attendance will be seen on the recorded video, so if you’d rather not be recorded, all you need to do is simply turn off your video for the presentation.

Many thanks to Lis Middup for being our liaison with the charity and ensuring this presentation happens!

Bye for now

