This month Jackie Jackman remembers her Grandma and extols us to expect the unexpected from God, since “…you never know how or when he’s going to show us how much he loves us and just how close he is in our every moment.”
Tony Service tells of the numerous and varied Christmas Cards that he received over the festive season.
We also hear from Mary Dunn, who many in the parish will remember. Is it really 20 years since the terrible train crash at Heck? A lot has changed since 2001 yet, as Mary observes, our love for each other will endure.
Karl Jarvis continues his virtual walk along the St Hilda Way, and I delve into the Parish Pump archive to reproduce articles about Love in all of its forms. How sweet will it be to get out and report on real events! I promise to never complain about the cost of raffle tickets again!
The February Connected may be downloaded here
and earlier editions here