Monday, 26 July 2021

Covid Provisions at St Francis and St Wilfrids



Hello all


As you know, almost all Covid restrictions were lifted on Monday 19th July. Whilst we may all take differing views on the wisdom of this, this is the new reality we are now living and working in, and the Church of England has published new guidance for churches as we seek to navigate the next few weeks and months as safely as possibly.

Below are the main items we have addressed based on the updated CofE guidance, with our suggestions and conclusions as to the best way to move forward.

The headline from the CofE, and we would endorse this, is one of moving forward cautiously. Obviously, this is a constantly changing scene. The next couple of months will certainly be very interesting, given that all the predications are of a surge in covid cases, so it is even possible, despite the messaging from govt., that some restrictions may have to be introduced again in time.

-Basically, we can’t make final determinations about Sept onwards until mid/end Aug, based on where case numbers are at and what govt. says.  We will keep you updated.

Pat Jarvis has carried out the CofE updated Risk Assessment for St  Wilfrid’s.  This will also be carried out at St Francis.


There is now no legal limit on numbers attending services in our church buildings.

We can’t insist on or force mask wearing, though we can strongly urge it.  We have a little more control, sort of, over social distancing.

I’ve put together a poster to go on the white board in the porch at St Wilfrid’s, basically urging people to keep masks on and maintain  social distance, if at all possible.  Please see attached.  A similar poster will be put up at St Francis.

Welcomers should continue to ask people to use the hand gel, and clean the church space afterwards with spray as before.

Welcomers at the St Wilfrid’s 8am services will need to do a quick spray after the service in prep for the 10.30am, and welcomers at the 10.30am on baptism Sundays will need to continue spraying between the 10.30am and the 12.30pm baptism.

Track and Trace still applies until 12th Aug

August Services:

The current joint parish 9.30am Sunday services will continue for August.

Service Pattern from September

This will look more or less the same as pre-pandemic, but with some changes due to significantly limited clergy personnel and their availability. Sunday morning times will revert to the 10.30am start:

Sunday                             St Wilfrid’s                                         St Francis

1st Sunday      10.30am    Lay Led Morning Prayer                   Holy Communion 

                                                                                                    (with prayer for healing)

                        12.30pm   Baptism

                        5.00pm     Inspire

2nd Sunday     8.00am     Holy Communion

                        10.30am   Family Communion                           Methodist Led Service

3rd Sunday      10.30am   Joint Parish Celtic Communion: alternating monthly between the 2 churches

4th Sunday      8.00am     Holy Communion

                        10.30am   Holy Communion                              Lay Led Morning Worship                                                                                                   (Both with prayer for healing)

5th Sunday      10.30am   Joint Parish Holy Communion alternating between the 2 churches as pre pandemic.

Whatever is the final Sunday of the month (4th or 5th): 5pm Alive@5                      

St Wilfrid’s Wednesday 9.30am & St Francis Thursday 10.00am Communion services will resume from the beginning of September.

Zoom Morning Prayer on Wednesdays will end at the end of August.

Final Services Note:

Given the increasingly limited clergy personnel and their availability, and for other reasons, very occasionally services will not follow the above pattern e.g. Remembrance Sunday will be a Communion service, not Family Communion.

Any changes like these will be communicated in advance via the Sunday Sheets and/or by email.

Social distancing at St Wilfrid’s

We will keep the roped off areas as they are, and ask people to sit in the available pews first, and only as and when numbers increase,  will people be directed to sit in the currently roped off pews. 

Reflecting the CofE guidance, we are setting aside the back nave pews for those who want to continue socially distancing -that means x2 pews either side to sit in and x2 pews still roped off as now.

To that end, welcomers will need to  instruct people accordingly, including letting them know about the back pews.

There is a sign to indicate the pews for those who wish to be socially isolated.

Social distancing at St Francis

A row of chairs at the back on both sides of the aisle will form the socially distanced seating zone here.

As noted above, this is a constantly changing scene, and we don’t yet know what the feeling among our regulars is about maintaining social distancing etc., but regardless of this, we still have a duty of care, not only to our regulars, but to all those attending funerals, weddings, baptisms, some, or many, of whom may still be concerned about being in larger social gatherings.

Expectations re social distancing, hand gel, masks and any other related info will be communicated, as now, with baptism,  wedding and funeral families early on in contact with them.


Is allowed again.

August onwards:

We stick to singing the last hymn outside during August.

Sept: 2 hymns- first in church, last still outside (weather permitting).

Oct onwards: review number of hymns and where sung. Obviously, as the weather gets colder this will mean we will have to stay indoors.

Singing with masks on, please, until further notice.


Some of you are already aware of this.

We are very blessed to have a small group here at St Wilfrids who have worked hard to ensure we maintain our online presence in the parish on Sundays, after our YouTube services end at the end of August.

We will be livestreaming all Sunday 10.30am services at St Wilfrid’s from the start of Sept.  With the new necessary pattern it does mean that when the joint services are at St Francis, there will not, at present anyway, be a livestream on  those Sundays in the parish. This is unfortunate, but unavoidable at the moment.

Orders of Service:

Our aim is to continue emailing out orders of service and hymn texts, as well as, from September,  the pre pandemic Sunday sheets (readings and notices), so those joining us online can take part in our worship.

From the start of Sept we will use our usual orders of service in church (along with hymn books), as they will be only used once a month, and so will be beyond the 72 hours recommended between handling of things.

At St Wilfrid’s we will return to using the red communion service books on the 4th Sunday.  As the YouTube printed communion orders of service only have 3 communion prayers, in order that those connecting online can continue to access this service fully, I’ll produce a document with all the communion prayers included, which I’ll email out.

Welcomers should either set out orders of service, hymn books or Sunday Sheets for worshippers to take, or hand them out. In either case, they must sanitise their hands immediately beforehand, and if they touch a congregation members clothing or skin, they must immediately re sanitise their hands.

Children’s provision:

At St Wilfrid’s the frequency and nature of Junior Church provision on Sunday mornings going forward is currently being discussed by, and with, the children and young people's team, as is the opening up and usage of the children's area there.  

Children's provision at St Francis, most notably, Messy Church, will be considered in due course.


St Wilfrid’s

No coffee in Aug.

From Sept coffee will be served outside the hall (if weather bad and as it gets colder, then in the church building where people can spread out more).

St Francis

After the Risk Assessment has been completed coffee will begin from Sept.


Please remember that, again, as the scene changes, these measures will be continually under review i.e.  if the pandemic situation reduces in severity, we can look at lessening restrictions, or vice versa.

We’ll update you mid/late August.

In the meantime, please get in touch if you any questions or comments. Can I ask you to email myself and Christine Gillespie.  One of us will get back to you.

Many thanks for your ongoing support and understanding.


Pete Watson, and for Christine Gillespie

And on behalf of the PCC and ECC
