Friday, 30 July 2021

The August Connected is available to download!


This month Revd. Christine Gillespie looks forward to a return of singing in church, and the very central role that singing plays in Methodist worship, whilst Revd. Peter Crumpler explores five truths that he has learnt about the value of Truth from the pandemic. I couldn’t agree more with his conclusions; I’m sure that I’m not alone in thinking that the Truth hasn’t always been prominent in the debate so far…

We welcome Derek Cooper of the Friends of Brayton Barff this month. Derek celebrates the oaks that grow on the Barff and notes that these ancient trees have a mystical and ethereal quality to them.

It was only a few months ago that I reported on Bill & Pat Thorpe’s move to Derbyshire, and it is with sadness that Sheila Newsome reports that Pat has now died. Thanks to Sue Beevers for reminding me about the Stanley Holloway monologue regarding Yorkshire Puddings. Now that takes me back! 

The August Connected is available to download here

And earlier copies of Connected here 

