Friday, 21 January 2022

23rd January 2022 Sunday Service transferred to St Francis


Revd. Pete has caught the Covid virus and has to isolate. We pray that he makes a swift recovery.

Pete writes:

"Hello all,

I’m very sorry, but I’ve just tested positive for covid, so won’t be able to take this Sunday’s services at St Wilfrid’s, which is very disappointing.

Revd. Roy Shaw has very kindly agreed to step in to take the 8am Communion service, but there won’t now be a 10:30am service at St Wilfrid’s, so can I encourage you to join with the folks at St Francis for the 10:30am lay led Morning Worship service there, please.

It also means, no livestream this Sunday. Sincere apologies for this and that last week technology failed us again.

I’m very sorry not to be joining you in worship and fellowship this Sunday.


Revd. Pete"

The pew sheets for the St Wilfrid's service of Holy Communion 23rd January 2022 are available here and may be used in private prayer and contemplation.
