We’re delighted to welcome James Lowery and Martin Colley who will join Yvonne Green and Charlotte Watson in supporting our morning worship at St Wilfrid’s. Martin has very kindly played at a couple of services already, but as of January 2022 will play for our Celtic Communion services on alternate 3rd Sundays of the month. From February 2022 James will play on the 4th Sundays as well as directing the choir. Many thanks to them both.
A big thanks to Charlotte for continuing to lead our musical worship at Family Communion services on the second Sunday of the month.
A very special thanks to Yvonne, who has faithfully supported us in our worship over many years, not least, in these last few years as we’ve struggled to find organists. We have been truly blessed in her. She will continue to play for our Morning Prayer services on the first Sunday of the month.
Pete Watson and Pat Jarvis