Sunday, 28 November 2010
The Christmas Tree Arrives at St Wilfrids on Saturday 11th December 9.30am
The Churchwardens would appreciate help putting up the Christmas Tree, adding the lights and decorating the church with candles for the Christmas Festival.
St Wilfrid's Ladies Group
Our joint carol service with the Mother's Union will be on December 16th at 7.30pm followed by our usual faith supper. I wish to each one of you a very Happy Christmas.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Open Church and Coffee morning Saturday 11th December St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Open Church and Coffee with Crafts. This is the same day as the Christmas Tree and candles are being put up in church. Please come and join us for a coffee and chat and maybe do some last minute Christmas shopping at our craft stall.
Churchyard Gardening
There will be no gardening in the churchyard until the New Year, (depending upon the weather) but anyone is welcome to clear any leaves or tidy the borders at any time.
Parish Lunch - Wednesday 1st December 12.00 noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Come along and enjoy homemade soup and dessert £3.50. This will be our last lunch for this year. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
Many thanks to those kind people who have offered to help on the Coffeemates rota. We will be continuing in the new year so do come along on the last Wednesday of the month for coffee, cakes and a chat with friends.
Mother's Union Carol Service 16th December 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Church
Our Carol Service with St Wilfrid's Ladies will be held in church at 7.30pm. We will have a faith supper in the Parish Hall after the service. I hope that you will all be able to come along.
I wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas, and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
The Fairburn Singers In Concert 7.30pm Saturday 17 December St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby
The Fairburn Singers present a concert of Christmas and other music and song. A lovely evening to set you up for Christmas. £5 including mulled wine and mince pies.
Christingle Service 6pm Sunday 5th December St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby
After last year's great success, the children will again be making their own Christingles during the service.
Christmas Fair - Saturday 4th December at St Francis' Shared Church Thorpe Willoughby
We look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Fair at St Francis' Shared Church Thorpe Willoughby, and don't forget Santa will be in his Grotto from 11.00am to noon.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Christingle and Gift Service 3pm Sunday 5th December St Wilfrid's Church
This year we are combining our annual Christingle Service with the giving of gifts In the past these gifts have been brought to the St. Wilfrid's Crib Service on Christmas Eve, however this made it very difficult to distribute the gifts to children in time for Christmas. By bringing your gifts to the Christingle Service, there will be more time to ensure they are distributed ready for Christmas Day.
If you would like to bring a gift to the service, please would you label the gift "boy" "girl" or "both" and the age range for which the gift is appropriate. Thank you.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Parish Hall Fund Raising
A big thank you to everyone who supported us for our Barn Dance on Saturday evening which was our last Parish Hall fund raising event. Many thanks to all the committee members who have worked so hard over the last few years, and to John and the Gaelstrom Ceiliah Band for the music. A total of £250 was raised from the evening.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Open House
Open House at the home of Linda and Hugh Reed, Tuesday 9 November from 10am -12 noon and 2 pm- 4 pm. Tickets £1. There will be a raffle, crafts, cakes and preserves. Proceeds will be divided between Church Funds and Mission Mbabane.
Body Shop Party St Francis' Shared Church Thorpe Willoughby
Body shop party including hand massaging, Friday 19 November 7.30pm. Cheese & wine refreshments and raffle, do come along and view the range of cosmetics, toiletries and Christmas gifts. for further information or to place orders, please contact Kath Schofield.
Beetle Drive 13 November 7.00pm St Francis Church Thorpe Willoughby e
Beetle Drive £3 adults, £2 children including jacket potato supper, so come along and join in the fun.
This Christmas in the Parish

- Sunday 5th December 3.00pm - Christingle and Gift Service St Wilfrid's Brayton*
- Sunday 5th December 6.00pm - Christingle Service St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby
- Thursday 16th December 7.30pm - Mother's Union & St Wilfrid's Ladies Carol Service St Wilfrid's Brayton
- Sunday 19th December 4.00pm - 9 Lessons and Carols St Wilfrid's, Brayton**
- Sunday 19th December 6.00pm - Carol Service St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby
- Tuesday 21st December 7.00pm - Carols Around the Tree Brayton Village Green
- Friday 24th December 6.00pm - Crib Service St Wilfrid's, Brayton
- Christmas Eve - Friday 24th December 11.30pm - Midnight Holy Communion St Wilfrid's, Brayton
- Christmas Eve - Friday 24th December 11.30pm - Midnight Holy Communion St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby
- Christmas Day - Saturday 25th December 10.30am - Family Holy Communion St Wilfrid's Brayton (joint parish) A new venture! An opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus with a relaxed and fun family friendly communion service. Why not come and bring something Father Christmas has brought you! This service is for all the family, young and old!
- Boxing Day - Sunday 26th December 8.00am - Holy Communion St Wilfrid's Brayton
- Boxing Day - Sunday 26th December 10.30am Morning Prayer (a 'said' service) St Francis, Thorpe Willoughby (Joint Parish). No service at St Wilfrid's
* This year we are combining our annual Christingle Service with the giving of gifts (which has happened until now at the Crib Service on Christmas Eve). This is so that the charities, such as the Salvation Army, have time to distribute the gifts donated before Christmas Day.
**Please note the change in time of this service from 6.00pm to 4.00pm. We hope this will be a better time for younger families who would like to join us, and also for some of our older parishioners who will now only have to make the journey from the service in the dark.
We really look forward to celebrating Christmas with you!
Book Club Thursday 25th November 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The book for discussion this month will be The Suspicions of Mr Whicher by Kate Summerscale.
Parish Lunch - Wednesday 3 November 12.00 noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday for a simple meal of home-made soup and bread roll, dessert, tea and coffee. for a donation of £3.50.
Last months Parish Lunch raised £61 for general church funds.
Last months Parish Lunch raised £61 for general church funds.
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
Our last Coffeemates of the year will be on Wednesday 24th November (might even manage some mince pies!) Do come along and enjoy a chat with friends.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out with Coffeemates occasionally. It would be a shame to let it fold so if you feel you could help in any way please have a word with Lynn Allan.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out with Coffeemates occasionally. It would be a shame to let it fold so if you feel you could help in any way please have a word with Lynn Allan.
Mothers' Union St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Our meeting will take place on Thursday 4 November when Rev. Francis Loftus, Priest in Charge of Hemingbrough Church, will be our speaker.
St Wilfrid's Ladies Group 29 November 7.30pm
At our meeting this month we welcome Barbara Millington talking about her sponsored walk up Mount Kilimanjaro, a great achievement for her and her colleagues. As I missed September's meeting, I'm looking forward to seeing you all.
Joint Parish and Methodist Holy Communion 7th November St Wilfrid's
Joint Parish and Methodist Holy Communion at St Wilfrid's Brayton - no service at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Joint Parish Holy Communion at St Francis Thorpe Willoughby 31 October 10.30am
Joint Parish Communion, no service at St. Wilfrid's.
Magazine Editor Wanted
With increasing commitments Martha Harrold is now having to pass on the organising of the Contact Magazine, and so the December issue will be her final one that she will put together. This means that we are looking for a person, or better still a team of people to take over the magazine. (Could This Be You?) If you are interested or want any more information, please have a word with Martha or contact Pete the Rector, or one of the church wardens. Thank You
Card Workshop And Demonstration Monday 25th October 10am -3pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Come and try your hand and make some Christmas Cards or Birthday Cards or just a simple card for a special occasion, all you will need is a pair of scissors and your imagination, £6 cost includes all materials and tea/coffee. (Please bring your own packed lunch). For further details contact Pat Griffiths or Kath Fairweather to reserve your place.
Book Club Thursday 28th October 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The book for discussion at this month's meeting will be The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
Parish Lunch - Wednesday 6th October 12noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Come along and enjoy home-made soup, bread roll and a dessert, followed by tea or coffee all for £3.50. Proceeds to general church funds. We look forward to seeing you all. The parish lunches will be held every first Wednesday of each month.
Mothers' Union 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Our monthly meeting on Thursday 7th October, we look forward to Richard Cook, who is coming to speak to us about his work as a Church Army Evangelist.
Monday, 20 September 2010
St Wilfrid's Day 10th October Choral Evensong 6pm.
On Sunday, 10th October, we will be celebrating our patronal festival (St Wilfrid's day) with a Choral Evensong at 6pm. Reverend Pete will deliver the homily and the choir is rehearsing music by Vivaldi and Rutter. Please come along and support this service.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Coffee evening with Phoenix cards Tuesday 5th October - 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The new Phoenix Christmas range of cards and stationary will be available to buy. There will also be on sale Toiletries, Perfume, Jewellery and small gifts which have been kindly donated.
(We all have things which we may have received as gifts which are just not to our taste, so rather than putting them at the back of a drawer and forgetting about them, we are being green and recycling them. If you have anything that you would like to add to our collection please let us have it or bring it along with you on the night.)
Do come along and start your Christmas shopping here.
There will also be a raffle and the usual St. Wilfrid's cake stall.
(We all have things which we may have received as gifts which are just not to our taste, so rather than putting them at the back of a drawer and forgetting about them, we are being green and recycling them. If you have anything that you would like to add to our collection please let us have it or bring it along with you on the night.)
Do come along and start your Christmas shopping here.
There will also be a raffle and the usual St. Wilfrid's cake stall.
Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25th September 9.30am
A start has been made on clearing the ivy from the front wall. The east and west paths require some weeding, and there is always some light pruning to be carried out to shrubs and small trees, if you are able to spend an hour or two we would welcome seeing you.
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs 29 September 10am - 12 noon in St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Coffeemates opens its doors again after the summer break with the usual Childrens Corner, Book Swapshop and the lovely home baking. Come and enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee with your friends.
Brayton Methodist Church have invited St. Wilfrid's to their Harvest Supper on Saturday 2 October at 7.30pm. There will be the usual bring and share meal and the speaker is the Rev. Ken Marshall.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Parish Lunches
The monthly parish lunches will recommence in October and will be held on the First Wednesday of each month, from 12 noon to 1.30pm.
Open Church and Coffee Morning 11th September 10.00a m - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Open Church Coffee and Crafts will take place between 10.00am and 12 noon. with the usual books for sale. Last month's coffee morning raised £48 for general church funds,thank you all who supported this event. Do come along and enjoy a welcome cuppa.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Oink Oink!
Gale force winds ... heavy showers ... broken gazebos ... all could not 'blow' the hog roast off course yesterday (Sunday 29 Aug 2010).
Nearly 100 people turned out for their pork, stuffing and bit of crackling! Desserts also went down well - as you can see from the pictures of the Rector and the Sacristan.
A good time was had by all and over £600 was raised in total with £50 being donate to Martin House Children's Hospice
Check out more photos by clicking here
Friday, 27 August 2010
Mothers' Union 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Please note that our monthly meeting will take place on 2nd September at 7.30pm, when our speaker will be Mike Gwilliam who will tell us about his experiences taking an ambulance into Gaza.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Family Barbeque 5pm-7pm Thorpe Willoughby
Family Barbeque at the home of Bev and Chris Soar Thorpe Willoughby, admission by ticket only - adults £5 children £3. Full details are in the Parish Magazine.
A really great time was had by all at last year's event, so get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. All proceeds will go to church funds.
A really great time was had by all at last year's event, so get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. All proceeds will go to church funds.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Patchwork Bag Workshop
A workshop to make a patchwork handbag/shopping bag is being held on Monday 20 September 10.00am - 3.00pm in the Parish Hall, £10 to include all the materials. Tea and coffee will be provided, but please bring a packed lunch. If you would like to spend the day making a bag, please contact Pat Griffiths for further details.
Churchyard Gardening Saturday 28th August 9.30am
Gardening will take place on Saturday 28 August from 9.30am onwards. If you are able to come along, please bring with you your own gardening tools. Refreshments will be served.
Book Club Thursday 26 August 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The book for discussion this month will be The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver.
Open Church And Coffee Morning 14 August St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Our monthly Open Church and Coffee morning will be on Saturday 14 August from 10.00am - 12 noon. The usual books and crafts will be on sale. Come and enjoy a coffee with friends old and new.
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
Coffeemates are closed in August and open again on Wednesday 29 September, 10.00am - 12 noon Everyone have a good holiday and we look forward to seeing you in September.
Hog Roast
Tickets are now on sale and going fast for the Hog Roast on Sunday 29 August in the rector's garden, so hurry up to avoid disappointment £10.00 from any of the fund raising committee members
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 28th July 10.00am - 12.00noon
We are again open on Wednesday 28 July 10.00am - 12 noon with Home Baking, Book Swapshop and Childrens Corner. We look forward to seeing you there.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Summer Fair - beats all records raising £1900

Glorious sunshine only added to the superb range of stalls and activities ... and lets not forget the essential Doubtfires ice-cream (phew!) The fair raised £1900 - which is the best on record!
Check out the photos here
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Parish Lunch
The Parish Lunches will have a break for the summer months, and recommence in September when we will get together again to enjoy good food and fellowship.
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 30th June 10.00am - 12noon
Coffeemates in April raised £52.37 yet again we saw some new faces joining us.
We open again on Wednesday 30th at 10.00am with Homebaking, Book Swapshop and Children's Corner. All welcome we look forward to seeing you there.
We open again on Wednesday 30th at 10.00am with Homebaking, Book Swapshop and Children's Corner. All welcome we look forward to seeing you there.
Book Club Thursday 24th June 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
We meet this month on Thursday 24th June and the book for discussion is The Shack by William P Young.
Churchyard Gardening Saturday 26th June 9.30am
Gardening will take place from 9.30am onwards. If you are able to come along, please bring your own gardening tools. Coffee will be provided.
Strawberry Tea Saturday 17th July
Mel and Lynn Allan invite you to join them for Strawberry Tea at their home on Saturday 17th July 2pm - 4pm £2.50 Adult - £1.50 Children (Babies and Toddlers Free) Home made cakes - Crafts - Books and Phoenix Cards will be on sale, also a Raffle.
We look forward to a lovely sunny afternoon
We look forward to a lovely sunny afternoon
St. Francis' Shared Church - Summer Fair 19th June 2-4pm
Please note the change in venue. The Fair will now take place in the Church Hall. There are many various stalls cakes, preserves, toys, books, bric-a-brac, and craft making for the children etc. Do come along.
Monday, 31 May 2010
St. Francis' Shared Church- St Crux Day
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way, we were once again blessed with a beautiul sunny day, and met lots of lovely people. An excellent result of £1466.63 was raised.
St. Francis' Coffee Mornings
Our coffee mornings are held on the first Saturday of the month 10.00am to 11.15am. All welcome.
Please note that our 5th June coffee morning is one for Christian Aid - please come and support this worthy cause if you can.
Please note that our 5th June coffee morning is one for Christian Aid - please come and support this worthy cause if you can.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Open Church and Coffee Morning
There will be no Coffee Morning this month, as the second Saturday falls on the same day as the Summer Fayre.
St. Wilfrid's Ladies Monday 28th June 7.30pm Parish Hall
The month of June initiates our Annual General Meeting which for this year will be followed with a cheese and wine evening, so ladies do not forget to bring your wine glasses. The evening will give you the opportunity for any one to volunteer their services in the running of the group and election of committee members. New ideas and constructive participation is always welcome as are new members.
Mother's Union Thursday 3rd June 7.30pm
Our Coffee Morning on 15th May raised just over £100. Thank you to everyone who helped on the day or baked cakes.
We meet on Thursday 3rd June in the Parish Hall, when we welcome Christine Sawyer, MU Diocesan Treasurer, who will talk about how our subscriptions are used. As a number of members have said they would like to know more about this subject please do come along and if you have any burning questions now is your chance to ask them. This meeting has been opened to other branches in our deanery.
The summer fair will be held on the Village Green on Saturday 12th June, as usual we shall be running the cakes stall, help with baking or running the stall on the day would be much appreciated, Please let Pauline Butler know.
We meet on Thursday 3rd June in the Parish Hall, when we welcome Christine Sawyer, MU Diocesan Treasurer, who will talk about how our subscriptions are used. As a number of members have said they would like to know more about this subject please do come along and if you have any burning questions now is your chance to ask them. This meeting has been opened to other branches in our deanery.
The summer fair will be held on the Village Green on Saturday 12th June, as usual we shall be running the cakes stall, help with baking or running the stall on the day would be much appreciated, Please let Pauline Butler know.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Photos from Pete's sponsored flight in a glider

With the glorious sunshine beating down on Burn airfield, Pete strapped into his parachute and was up, up and away before we knew it.
Check out the photos by clicking here
Friday, 14 May 2010
Words Of Encouragement
In preparation for Pete's flight Canon Gwynne Richardson has penned a few words
Our Rector Pete is flying high
A gliding in blue yonder;
He's soaring through the Yorkshire sky
Within a world of wonder.
He swoops and dives throughout the day
And gazes in amazement,
Beholding darling buds of May
In colourful arrangement.
Then into fluffy clouds he flies
And sees a ghostly figure
That gives him such a big surprise -
It looks like Selby's vicar!
The apparition fades away
Much to Pete's great relief.
A luscious smell of new mown hay
Rises from the earth beneath.
It is the time for Pete to end
Wand'ring in sky so blue;
And as the plane starts its descent
The church hall comes in view.
For God our Pete has this day flown
To help us in our need!
And now another kind of hymn
To praise his sponsored deed.
There's a Spirit in the air
That's wafted Pete here and there.
Thank you Lord for all he's done
So our hearts for you are won!
And our brass to you will come
Our Rector Pete is flying high
A gliding in blue yonder;
He's soaring through the Yorkshire sky
Within a world of wonder.
He swoops and dives throughout the day
And gazes in amazement,
Beholding darling buds of May
In colourful arrangement.
Then into fluffy clouds he flies
And sees a ghostly figure
That gives him such a big surprise -
It looks like Selby's vicar!
The apparition fades away
Much to Pete's great relief.
A luscious smell of new mown hay
Rises from the earth beneath.
It is the time for Pete to end
Wand'ring in sky so blue;
And as the plane starts its descent
The church hall comes in view.
For God our Pete has this day flown
To help us in our need!
And now another kind of hymn
To praise his sponsored deed.
There's a Spirit in the air
That's wafted Pete here and there.
Thank you Lord for all he's done
So our hearts for you are won!
And our brass to you will come
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Mother's Union Coffee Morning Saturday 15th May 10.00 - 12 noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Do come along and bring family, friends and neighbours to support our main branch fund raising event of the year, If you can, donations of cakes would be much appreciated please bring them on the day.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
St Francis' Church- Major Fund-Raising Event Friday 21st May
A day at St Crux Church, York (bottom of the shambles) on Friday 21st May. A full day-cafe and stalls,including cakes and preserves, books,toys/games, bric-a-brac, plants, cd/dvd/videos ect. We shall be very grateful for donations for any of the above stalls (but no electrical, furniture or other large items please) offers of help on the day would be much appreciated,If you would like to help please have a word with Sylvia in church.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 26th May 10.00 - 12noon
Coffeemates in March raised £59.70 a very rewarding sum. A fair proportion of this came from the book swapshop which is proving very popular, providing a selection of up to date novels at £1 each or 50p if you bring one back. The April coffeemates made £53.50 A big thank you to everyone.
We open this month on Wednesday 26th May 10.00am to 12noon in the Parish Hall. Come along and have a browse along with your coffee and cake. We look forward to seeing you.
We open this month on Wednesday 26th May 10.00am to 12noon in the Parish Hall. Come along and have a browse along with your coffee and cake. We look forward to seeing you.
Book Club Thursday 27th May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The book for discussion at this months meeting is The House on the Strand by Daphne Du Maurier.
St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 24th May 7.30pm
This month we will enjoy a talk from Louise Turner from Traidcraft and Fairtrade. Hopefully there may be items that can be purchased so come prepared. Please note that this months meeting is one week earlier due to the Bank Holiday.
Monday, 26 April 2010
St Wilfrid's Summer Fayre 12th June
The Summer Fayre will be held on the 12th June so make a note in your diaries. The Churchwardens are once again having there Tombola stall but they seek your help with the prizes, if you find that you can contribute in any way a box will be placed at the back of church for any kind contribution.
Open Church and Coffee Morning 10.00-12.00 Saturday 8th May St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Do come and join us for our monthly coffee morning, there will be the usual books and crafts for sale, and also the raffle. Meet up with your friends and have a nice cup of coffee and a natter, we look forward to seeing you.
Parish Lunch - Wednesday 19th May 12noon to 1.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Come along and enjoy homemade soup bread roll and dessert, for a donation of £3.50. All proceeds towards Church General Funds.
Mothers'Union Thursday May 6th - 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
The speaker for our meeting this month will be Hilary Castle, Mothers' Union Unit Coordinator, please come along, and as always non-members are invited to attend when they will be made most welcome.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Concert Saturday 8th May 7.30pm
Goole Choral present a "Spring Chorale" in St Wilfrid's Parish Church at 7.30pm.- Tickets £3 or pay at the door on the evening.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band
Thank you to everyone who attended Saturday's Brass Band Concert what a wonderful evening we all had. Thank you also goes to the fund raising committee for organising such a good night. £360 was raised for the New Parish Hall. We look forward to seeing you all again at future events.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Rector Goes Gliding "for God"!

In May I'll be doing a sponsored glider flight with Burn Gliding Club to raise money for the St Wilfrid's Parish Hall, which although completed, still has a considerable amount still to pay off. If you'd like to help get me off the ground by donating some much needed funds to the Hall Fund, have a chat with me when you see me or contact me at
I'll be getting a sponsorship form together in due course. If you can gift-aid even better!
Thanks a lot
Pete Watson
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 28th April 10.00am - 12.00noon
Do try and spread the word around the village, and bring your friends and neighbours to the monthly coffee morning. For those of you with a sweet tooth home baking will be on sale, book swap shop and childrens corner. We look forward to seeing you there. Our new banner on the Lych Gate attracted some interest and also brought in some new friends. Numbers are starting to build up as word gets around so keep up the good work and come and join us for coffee and a natter.
Open Church And Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Saturday 10th April 10.00am - 12.00noon
Open Church, Coffee and crafts will be on sale at the monthly coffee morning. There will be the usual books and crafts for sale so do come along and enjoy a relaxing cuppa.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 15th April St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm
As Churchwardens we hope that you will all attend the Churches annual meeting (APCM) to be held in the Parish Hall. It is at this meeting when we elect our Churchwardens, PCC members, Sides people and receive the reports from the church's groups and activities. We look forward to welcoming you all there.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Good Friday Activities @ St Wilfrid's From 10am to 12 noon on 2nd April 2010
Enjoy making an Easter Garden, Easter Crafts, learning a song etc at St Wilfrid's on Good Friday morning. Activities for children and adults plus hot cross buns, squash, tea and coffee.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Easter / Spring Fair Saturday 27 March 2.00pm St Francis' Church Thorpe
We look forward to seeing you all at our Easter Spring Fair, many stalls selling preserves, crafts, toys bric-a-brac, books etc not forgetting the cake stall. There will also be a craft making table for the young children. Light refreshments will be available.
Beetle Drive Saturday 6th March 7pm St Francis' Church Thorpe
Beetle drive in the Church, adults £3, children £2 including a jacket potato supper. Come and join the fun!!
Craft Workshop St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 24th March at 7.30pm
Come and try your hand at making your own cards. All you need to bring with you is a pair of scissors and your own imagination. The cost for the evening is £3.50 which includes all materials, coffee and biscuits. All proceeds are for St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Fund.
Wine & Wisdom Evening Saturday 13th March 7.30 St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Come on folks get your team together and have some fun at our quiz night. Tickets £3.50 which includes cheese and wine. Tickets are available from any of the fundraising committee members.
Churchyard Gardening Saturday 27th March 9.30am
Now that spring is here, there is quite a lot of tidying up to be done after the winter, do come along and join in the fun but remember to bring your own gardening equipment. Refreshments will be provided.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Open Church And Coffee Morning Saturday 13th March 10.00 - 12.00 St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Do come along to the monthly open church coffee morning, the usual books and crafts will be for sale along with Easter cards. We look forward to enjoying a cuppa with old and new friends.
Craft Group Easter Fair And Coffee Morning Tuesday 2nd March 10.00 - 12noon St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Craft Group are holding an Easter Fair do come along and enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat, Easter crafts, and cakes will be on sale.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Shrove Tuesday Social Evening 7.00pm St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
Come and enjoy a pancake or two and try out your flipping skills!!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Mothers'Union Annual General Meeting Wednesday 10th February 7.30
The annual general meeting has been re-arranged for Wednesday evening 10th February and we look forward to seeing you all there.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Lent Lunches
Lent Lunches are being held on the following dates:-
Thursday 18th February - At the home of Margaret Webster
Thursday 25th February -St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
We have four more to arrange in March if you feel that you could host one, please have a word with Pauline Butler. Please note that the normal parish lunches will not be held during Lent.
Thursday 18th February - At the home of Margaret Webster
Thursday 25th February -St Wilfrid's Parish Hall
We have four more to arrange in March if you feel that you could host one, please have a word with Pauline Butler. Please note that the normal parish lunches will not be held during Lent.
Mothers' Union Thursday 4th February St Wilfrid's Parish Hall 7.30pm
Due to the bad weather this prevented us holding the Annual General Meeting, this will be rearranged for a future date so watch this space.
The speakers for our meeting on Thursday evening will be Bill and Ruth Evans who will share with us some of there more interesting moments of their life story.
The speakers for our meeting on Thursday evening will be Bill and Ruth Evans who will share with us some of there more interesting moments of their life story.
Friday, 15 January 2010
St Francis Church Beetle Drive February 6th - 7pm
A night of fun awaits you all with our Beetle Drive £3 for adults and £2 for children this includes a jacket potato supper. Please join us for a lot of fun.
St Francis Church Coffee Morning 6 February 10.00 - 11.15
A warm welcome awaits you all at our coffee morning, please come along and join us.
Coffeemates St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 27th 10.00 - 12.00
This is a new monthly coffee morning starting on Wednesday 27th January from 10.00 - 12.00 in the Parish Hall, there will be homemade cakes for sale, book swopshop, and a childrens corner so please do come along to support this new event. If you feel you could help in any way please have a word with Lynne Allan who would be pleased of any offers of help. We look forward to seeing new and old faces or just simply come and catch up with your friends.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Snow joke! Clearing a path to Brayton
It really was a team effort on Saturday (9 Jan 2010) morning ... as a merry band of gentlemen set about clearing the snow from the paths leading to Brayton Church. Both front and rear paths were cleared and gritted in double-quick time (largely thanks to Julian's wonderful snow clearing contraption), allowing a safe passage to the welcome warmth of the coffee morning.
There was even time for a few photographs of the 'A' team ... and the beautiful Church surrounded by snow. Why not take a look at them here
(p.s. please check that you have the right link to the Parish website - you should have in your favourites:

Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Mothers Union Thursday 7th January
Due to the bad weather the Mothers Union Annual General Meeting has been postponed, a new date will be arranged and members will be advised.
Welcoming Our New Rector
The Service of Collation and Induction for the Reverend Peter David Watson will be on Tuesday 26th January at 7.30pm in St Wilfrid's Parish Church. Everyone is most welcome please do come and join in with us and help to make this service a memorable start to Pete's ministry in this Parish.
Book Club Thursday 28th January 7.30pm Parish Hall
After a break in December, the book club will recommence on Thursday 28th to have a cuppa and biscuit!! and talk about the book that has just been read. The book for discussion this month will be A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer, for those who can't make this time, February's choice will be Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
Church Gardening Saturday 30th January 9.30am
Gardening will take place this Saturday 30th January from 9.30 onwards. Everyone is welcome as there is plenty of work to be done, both light jobs and a little heavier. Please bring your own gardening tools. Refreshments will be provided in the Parish Hall.
St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 25th January
Happy New Year Ladies, may I remind you that we meet on January 25th at 7.30 pm in the Parish Hall where our speaker will be Nicky May who will be giving us a talk and demonstration regarding Complimentary and Alternative Therapies. I look forward to seeing you all back to support this event.
Pea and pie Supper Saturday 23rd January 7.30 pm
Pea and Pie Supper with the film of building the New Hall. Tickets £3.50 from any of the fundraising committee members. Do come and support this first event of 2010.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Parish Lunch Wednesday 13th January
Come along and enjoy a simple meal of home-made soup and breadroll, and a simple dessert for a donation of £3.50. All proceeds will go to General Church Funds. The Lunches have now been moved to the Parish Hall, and gives more people an opportunity to enjoy good food and fellowship.
Junior Church Sunday 10 January 10.30am
Junior Church returns after the Christmas break and looks forward to hearing from you all what Father Christmas brought.
Coffee Morning Saturday 9th January 10am-12pm
Open Church and Coffee Morning will take place in the Parish hall, there will be crafts and books for sale, also a raffle. Pop in for a nice cup of tea or coffee on your way into Selby or take a welcome break after doing the Saturday supermarket shopping.
- The Christmas Tree Arrives at St Wilfrids on Satu...
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group
- Open Church and Coffee morning Saturday 11th Decem...
- Churchyard Gardening
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 1st December 12.00 noon...
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
- Mother's Union Carol Service 16th December 7.30pm ...
- The Fairburn Singers In Concert 7.30pm Saturday 17...
- Christingle Service 6pm Sunday 5th December St Fra...
- Christmas Fair - Saturday 4th December at St Franc...
- Christingle and Gift Service 3pm Sunday 5th Decemb...
- Parish Hall Fund Raising
- Open House
- Body Shop Party St Francis' Shared Church Thorpe W...
- Beetle Drive 13 November 7.00pm St Francis Church ...
- This Christmas in the Parish
- Book Club Thursday 25th November 7.30pm St Wilfrid...
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 3 November 12.00 noon t...
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs
- Mothers' Union St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group 29 November 7.30pm
- Joint Parish and Methodist Holy Communion 7th Nove...
- Joint Parish Holy Communion at St Francis Thorpe W...
- Magazine Editor Wanted
- Card Workshop And Demonstration Monday 25th Octobe...
- Book Club Thursday 28th October 7.30pm St Wilfrid'...
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 6th October 12noon to 1.3...
- Mothers' Union 7.30pm St. Wilfrid's Parish Hall
- St Wilfrid's Day 10th October Choral Evensong 6pm.
- Coffee evening with Phoenix cards Tuesday 5th Octo...
- Churchyard Gardening Saturday 25th September 9.30am
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs 29 September 10am - 12 noo...
- Invitation
- Parish Lunches
- Open Church and Coffee Morning 11th September 10.0...
- Summer Fair - beats all records raising £1900
- Parish Lunch
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 30th June 10.00a...
- Book Club Thursday 24th June 7.30pm St Wilfrid's P...
- Churchyard Gardening Saturday 26th June 9.30am
- Strawberry Tea Saturday 17th July
- St. Francis' Shared Church - Summer Fair 19th Jun...
- St. Francis' Shared Church- St Crux Day
- St. Francis' Coffee Mornings
- Open Church and Coffee Morning
- St. Wilfrid's Ladies Monday 28th June 7.30pm Paris...
- Mother's Union Thursday 3rd June 7.30pm
- Photos from Pete's sponsored flight in a glider
- Words Of Encouragement
- Mother's Union Coffee Morning Saturday 15th May 10...
- St Francis' Church- Major Fund-Raising Event Frid...
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 26th May 10.00 -...
- Book Club Thursday 27th May 7.30pm St Wilfrid's Pa...
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 24th May 7.30pm
- St Wilfrid's Summer Fayre 12th June
- Open Church and Coffee Morning 10.00-12.00 Saturda...
- Parish Lunch - Wednesday 19th May 12noon to 1.30pm...
- Mothers'Union Thursday May 6th - 7.30pm St Wilfrid...
- Concert Saturday 8th May 7.30pm
- York Railway Institute Golden Rail Brass Band
- Rector Goes Gliding "for God"!
- Coffeemates @ St. Wilfs Wednesday 28th April 10.00...
- Open Church And Coffee Morning St Wilfrid's Parish...
- Annual Parochial Church Meeting 15th April St Wilf...
- Good Friday Activities @ St Wilfrid's From 10am to...
- Easter / Spring Fair Saturday 27 March 2.00pm St ...
- Beetle Drive Saturday 6th March 7pm St Francis' C...
- Craft Workshop St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday ...
- Wine & Wisdom Evening Saturday 13th March 7.30 St ...
- Churchyard Gardening Saturday 27th March 9.30am
- Lent Lunches
- Mothers' Union Thursday 4th February St Wilfrid's ...
- St Francis Church Beetle Drive February 6th - 7pm
- St Francis Church Coffee Morning 6 February 10.00 ...
- Coffeemates St Wilfrid's Parish Hall Wednesday 27...
- Snow joke! Clearing a path to Brayton
- Mothers Union Thursday 7th January
- Welcoming Our New Rector
- Book Club Thursday 28th January 7.30pm Parish Hall
- Church Gardening Saturday 30th January 9.30am
- St Wilfrid's Ladies Group Monday 25th January
- Pea and pie Supper Saturday 23rd January 7.30 pm
- Parish Lunch Wednesday 13th January
- Junior Church Sunday 10 January 10.30am
- Coffee Morning Saturday 9th January 10am-12pm